I am so sorry I have not blogged yet about how Christmas went! We got back late Mon. night, and the rest of the week has been a blur of high-maintenance children (the usual post-holiday decompression--but they are responding SO WELL to the crack-down parenting, so I am truly thankful!), trying to deep-clean cupboards and closets to find good homes for the new things, trying to get our schooling up and running again (after 4 weeks of school-lite, we could not afford a holiday week, given our goals for the year, which I promise to write about at some point), and still being sick from last week (did I mention it? Oh, we have all been fighting off a bad cold, and while no one has been horribly sick except DH, we're all pretty run down).
And then we got a call on Weds. that DH's parents wanted to come down here this weekend. Well. . . (desperate looking around at bags on the living room floor yet to be unpacked, cleaning that never got done the week before Christmas, piles of laundry) sure! Come on down!
Because you know what? We had a REALLY GOOD Christmas with DH's folks! In fact, I have not seen MIL so relaxed and at peace in a very, very long time. Amen and Hallelujah! We opened WAY more presents than we expected, but they demonstrated that the givers were doing their best to be thoughtful in their gift selection, which is a kind of love, which is what giving at Christmas is all about! YAY!
So, thank you to all who prayed--God cleary did a really good work in both me and MIL in preparing us for such a good time together, when there had been so much stress and strain previously (not just involving me and her, but that's all I have shared with you--the rest is not my story to tell).
And you know what, I think the letters did some good too! When we had opened all those presents, I admit to one teeny tiny moment of discouragement when I thought my last letter had done no good, and realized that it is just too hard for DH's parents not to give in abundance, so we are going to be juggling too. much. stuff. probably forever. But then, I stopped and saw all the thought behind the gifts, and what a good sign that was. And then I realized (or maybe the Holy Spirit whispered) that I was hoping the letters would lead to less stuff, but maybe that's not what they were for--maybe they helped MIL feel loved, and maybe helped clear the air, so maybe they also contributed to the peace surrounding MIL. Well, I would MUCH rather have a peace-filled Christmas, and see MIL so content, than have one less piece of fun new stuff. : )
So, that is the end of the saga of the stuff letters. I still want to write about the beginnings of the whole thing--the Christmas long ago that started it all--the comments to the last one made me realize I had not given the least helpful background before jumping in, since I forget you all don't live in my head and know everything already--but, once again, it will have to wait! "Oma" and "Opa" will be here any minute, and while the house is pretty darn good, there are more things I still want to do, cleaning wise.
I just sat down for a moment since I probably won't have much of a chance to blog this weekend now. Oh, but there are SO MANY fun things to share with you all! I still have stories and pics from Fall I never got to share. I'm not ready for the New Year! But, ready or not, here it comes.
So, Happy New Year, everyone!
And if you want some good God-stuff to end the year with, here is a great post today from The Blessing of Verity.
(Rebecca, just thought I would let you know on the menu this weekend--homemade ice cream! Thank you for last year's ice cream ball, and I'm so bummed we did not think to get it out this summer when you all were here. Mom, I forgot to mention I actually baked with the girls, and in honor of Nostalgia, we made Snowball cookies and Coconut Candy Balls! So as we share our treats with DH's folks, we will be thinking of you. : )
1 month ago
Happy New Year!! I'm glad you had a peaceful Christmas and I hope that it carries over into this week's visit!