words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Thursday, February 3, 2011

thank you to my fashionistas

I had to really restrain myself from responding to your comments to my post about getting some warm neckware.  I didn't want to skew the results with my feedback.  I completely agree with the consensus, that the cotton warmer will be ultimately more wearable, but I must admit I was secretly hoping someone would urge me to get the black one. Which is cashmere, my favorite favorite.  And which is upcycled, which I also love!  And which is so so cute. . . But I see I have a lot of cool heads in my readership, and tight pocketbooks (since no one actually urged me to get both, clearly we are all being grown-ups about it.  Sigh. ; )

So, the charcoal grey one it is!  Let's see if I can get a good pic of that when it arrives. . .

Thank you for your comments--I really do value your opinions. (Yours included, mom!  I have not been a teenager for a while now, and even if you and I might not choose the same things, we can safely agree we both have excellent taste. : ) 

And Stacy, thank you for giving me a clear picture of why NOT to covet the black cashmere neck warmer--because while Sweeney Todd is neo-Victorian (the roots of Steampunk) it is also completely revolting.   (ok, ok, I have not actually seen it, but even though I really like Johnny Depp and Helena Bonham Carter, I am turned off by celebrations of the macabre, Lost Boys excluded).  So, thank you for giving me a reason to steel my heart against its decadence. ; )

Finally, in celebration of my new neck warmer, I can't resist sharing with you a few more images of gorgeous and warm pieces for the neck that I found on etsy:
look, my cashmere upcycled beauty comes in purple too!

this one might have been my first choice, if not acrylic--so pretty!

this one is another by the seller that is making my new neck warmer-gorgeous style!

Here is a similar one by a different seller. So dramatic! if I were braver, and could wear wool, I would be so tempted!

love the color on this one

ruffly!  pink!  so not me!  love it anyway!

this one is not my style either, but embodies "cozy"--and such a pretty pink

oh, how i love upcycled cashmere! and this scarf 

i could NEVER wear this color, but it is so so pretty, esp. in this delicate pattern!

this one is my favorite color, and a wee bit Steampunky!

this one is truly amazing--but a bit bulky for the neck.  anyone need a hand-made table runner at an excellent price?

how's this for gorgeous?  and perfect for Valentine's Day! (and why it is already sold)

Ah, how I enjoy beautiful, well-crafted, creative things.  One of these days I'll have to take the time to learn how to make some. In the meantime, I'm so glad there's etsy.


  1. I have not been able to get the cashmere neck warmer out of my mind. After seeing it in purple, I don't think it would be too difficult to make. Your talented mom did such beautiful work on the girls' dresses,I suspect that she could make one using a cashmere sweater and silk blouse from Goodwill.
    When you stop by tomorrow, remind me to show you a scarf that I was given for Christmas. I think you will like it! Terry

  2. Terry, you are clearly a talented "crafty" person to even be thinking that way. I so don't have that skill! (You are right, though, my mom is crazy talented, but she expends it all upon my girls, which I am hardly complaining about. : )

    And thanks for showing me the scarf, and I will be brainstorming some way for you to wear it. ; )

  3. wonder full design dude. i am so impress.............
