words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Fun on the Web Wed #3: Running on empty today?

There is a new blog on my sidebar I discovered recently, and BOY do I like the mom who writes it.  She is mommy in the trenches, adopting kids "from the hard places" and not pretending everything is hunky-dory, but on her blog is real and vulerable and honest and, thusly, truly encouraging.  Her writing today was so, so good:

Motherhood is often placed on a pedestal. We are told that being a Mother is the greatest thing we will ever do. That being a Mother brings the ultimate joy and fulfillment.

Then why does it feel so empty at times? . . .

I don't want to post the best parts of what she wrote because her train of thought is just brilliant.  I strongly urge all my mom friends to go over and read the rest.  I had NEVER thought of her conclusion, but immediately recognize the Truth in it. 


  1. Hi -- I finally took the time to read the blog that you mentioned. It was great, it was beautiful. Thank you!
