words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

The Blessed Table Dinner Challenge is on!

Since only three brave souls wanted to play, everyone's a winner!  So, Aubrey, Stacy, and Nydia, you're on!  (Except, um, Stacy?  If that mac n cheese is a week old, I am barring it from the game--just my luck it would give you food poisoning and everyone would blame ME! ; )

So here's what you do:
1) leave a comment here telling me what you have in the fridge that you really want to use up, and what foods your family loves (i.e. Mexican, Italian, etc.) and what foods they hate, and any particular dietary needs of your family.  (don't worry, I'm not asking you to be exhaustive--just give me the basics)

2) I will try to "make" you a dinner from your list!  I'll assume you have staples like milk, some cheese, basic veggies like potatoes and carrots and some basic canned goods like tomato sauce, so be sure to tell me if you are out of something you think I might use.

If you leave your list by Friday noon, I will "make" your dinner that afternoon!   If you don't see this or have a chance to comment by then, don't worry, just post your list when it is convenient, and I will respond as soon as I can!  (DH's parents might be coming for this 3-day weekend, and we have a birthday party AND the start of a homeschool "camp" here!  Whew!)

Thanks for playing, ladies.  This just might be fun!

Oh, and Stacy, thanks for the game name idea--your explanation is good, and I love the additional implication that my whipping up dinner is sometimes a "miracle."  too true.  But I am balking at there being the least thought in anyone's minds that I think what I come up with is anything even remotely close to what Jesus would.  ; )  (WWJD? Not put that ricotta into a soup with that pumpkin and that oatmeal, is what y'all would be thinking!)

I'm really excited about this!  Thanks for humoring me. : )


  1. You are a doll! I have been praying over Joanne Heim for weeks (knew of Joanne through Beth Moore's ministry and LPM blog site - although not personally...) Saw prayer and comment from you today at Joanne's site...(isn't her story and progress amazing!) Had to come over and peek at your blog and loved it! You are now on my favorites. To think of the life you enjoy in your tiny home with 6 souls is a delight. You go girl!

  2. Oh, I forgot: My ingredients: Ground turkey, cabbage, Maui Onions, spinach, carrots and regular pantry staples on hand.

  3. Well, hello Anon and friend of Joanne! Thanks for the sweet words, and I am delighted that someone's first impression of my home life via this blog is such an idyllic one. It's fun for a moment to view my family and tony house through your romantic eyes! : ) If you hang around and read more, you will quickly learn we don't do perfection and fairy tales around here, but my 21 readers still love me anyway. ; )

    So, welcome! And since you so cutely jumped into the game, and since I have a rare morning of blogging time in front of me, you're on! Let me ponder your ingredients and then I'll post your dinner. . . .

  4. Ok, I have lots of things in my fridge but I'm trying to pick the ones that need to be used. Carrots, celery, asparagus are on their way out. I also have an abundance of ground beef from the in-laws and the usual pantry items (beans, rice, canned tomatoes etc). Bonus points if you can figure out something to do with the rest of the quinoa polenta that is in the fridge too :)
    We are not very picky on what we won't eat, but we are embarking on a gluten free and dairy free adventure (well, I am at least!) since I just discovered a sensitivity to both. Can't wait to see what you come up with!

  5. Wow, Aubrey--you are really stumping me. Pam's was easy in comparison! Once I figure out what quinoa polenta is (I know what quinoa is, and what polenta is, but together? google is calling. . . ) I'll be ready. I'm thinking this has to be a two pot meal, a main and a side. . . this is going to be fun! (and hard)

    Guess what? I'M in my first week of GF too! And one of my new blogs on the sidebar is GFCF, so I already have an idea of what you need to avoid. : ) Ok, look for your dinner posted late this afternoon!

  6. Since it's 3:00 am, I'll admit to being too lazy to go look in my fridge. Plus, I have to get up the nerve to admit how picky my family is and how veggie-free my fridge is. *blush* You are going to see my list and tell me to go out to dinner :p

    I'll be back tomorrow with a list for you, though!


  7. Oh, and did you know that Dish Network tries to reboot at 3:00 am? I didn't either...until I happened to be up and watching it at 3:00 am!

    Nothing to do with your post at all but since you are my virtual friend you sometimes get stuck listening to the random thoughts that pop into my head :)

  8. Stacy, don't forget my constant groccery store boycotts--I can cook a meal without any fresh veggies! BUT don't be scared. a) you DON'T have to make what I come up with. b) I am a Midwest girl and know how to make food your family will probably like. Just tell me if there is anything you think I might use (like canned beans) that is not in your pantry and your kids don't like. Ok?

    It's a GAME. Aubrey really raised the difficulty level with her submission. Consider your "picky" submission raising the bar! ; )

    And for heaven's sake, girl, get to bed!

  9. I'm definitely making it! And blogging about how wonderful it will be :)

    I have almond milk that I'd love to use. I also have defrosted pre-seasoned chicken fajita strips in the fridge and I don't want to use them in fajitas. Breads are tortillas (flour only, I think), sliced bread and hot dog buns. Starches are basmati rice, russet potatoes. Meats include just about any cut of beef from the half-cow in my freezer. I have some boneless skinless chicken breast - possibly some are tenderloins. I have basic seasonings. We're not spicy people, though, so no crazy hot stuff. And no garlic - DJ doesn't like it. I have things like tomato, soy and worcestshire (sp?) sauces. Regular, coconut, almond and dry milk. I haven't bought regular groceries in 2 weeks so no fresh veggies. I have apples, bananas and pears. I can crock pot, broil, bake, grill (indoor only), etc...but no frying. We're a meat and potatoes kind of family. Frozen veggies include corn, lima beans, green beans (cut and french), peas (which I hate - blech!). Frozen berries of various flavors.

    Honestly, I would love to use up the fajitas chicken. And a use for almond milk would be awesome because I can't find the freezer pan for my ice cream maker. I'll make anything but soup - I always like the sound of soup but never really enjoy eating it.

    DJ and Sparkle will eat just about anything. I am picky but can adapt their food to myself. Monkey could live on 3 foods so I'm taking him out of the mix or you'd have to recommend PB&J sandwiches.

    The only dietary concern I have is that we don't do artificial sweeteners...and I can't imagine that would matter :)

    Good luck!! And feel free to ask me anything you need :) I'm heading to the grocery store tomorrow so I can pick up missing ingredients then :)

  10. ok ingredient list :)

    there are loads of food in this house, although most is of the prepackaged variety. So I am going to try and list what I have that is not soo unhealthy.

    We have boneless skinless chicken
    all different kinds of pasta
    lots of shredded mozzerella cheese
    pretty good stock of spices
    lots of rice
    canned tomatoes
    canned veggies lots of types
    dried pintos

    fresh ingredients:
    romaine lettuce

    jarred speghetti sauces

    there is probably other randoms....hmmm if I see others I see think might help, i will add them today :)

  11. bread tortillas and flour sugar yeast

  12. Wow, that's a great list, Nydia. But if you see this comment, please tell me what most needs to be used up. Oh, and what flavors/foods your family does not eat. : )
