words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Monday, August 2, 2010

Summer Snippet #1

Last week was one of recovery; you know, the usual unpacking, laundry, cleaning and reconnecting with the kids. I can't believe it was just one week ago yesterday that DH and I arrived back from IL and my reunion--already it feels like a month ago! And I think my brain took the slow train home, because I just have not had the mental energy to write. But that's ok, since my main goal was to get re-etablished with my kids and my home and my husband, and resume life in even better ways than I left it, and in that way it was a very good week. Lots of mental processing, and not much urge to form ideas into words--although I did finally corner my husband Friday night and talk his ear off--i.e. "blog" at him--for almost an hour, which made me think it was time to dust off the keyboard and jump back in.

And yet, another part of why I think I have not been blogging this week is because there is almost too much to say! I have been blogging in my head for the past two weeks about all kinds of things--and even started writing The Mother Of All Blog Posts while I was still at my parents' house--but I am getting easily overwhelmed at the thought of all the work it would take to assemble these ideas with coherence and lucidity. (Although correctly using the words "coherence" and "lucidity" just now--not without checking their definitions first--made me feel a little more confident.)

But I really must get some of this stuff out of my brain, where the ideas linger on, in half-life, like ghosts with unfinished business, moaning for release. So, I'm going to make things easy for myself and anyone interested: snippets and pics!

It seems only fitting to start where I left off: Mina and Susan!

All dressed up for the Saturday evening dinner event. Susan and Mina were GORGEOUS.

Blurry--wah!--but still awesome. Out in my parents' driveway before the casual Friday evening event. Also notable as the last recorded sighting of my breasts.

The famous bench in front of our high school, upon which the three of us first met, brought together by shared Walkmans and a love of Norwegian music:

Okay, maybe it wasn't just the music.

(Oooooh, and Susan, I just found this little youtube gem. I don't think Morten has ever looked or sounded better!)

But I regress digress.

Two of my favorite homegirls

a-ha pic courtesy of the offical a-ha website.


  1. I went to my 15 year reunion a few years ago. I went to try to find friends that I had lost track of many years ago.....and none of them came. In fact, the only people who came were the popular people that I wasn't really friends with. All my friends were the fringey, barely there types, and maybe that is what they have grown up to be? All I know is that I was right in the middle of the last Harry Potter (it came out at midnight the night before) and I gave up precious reading hours to be at this event! Gracie (age 3) mistakenly drank bubbles (don't ask me how) and threw up all down my shirt. We left, shaking dust from feet, and didn't look back! Glad to hear that it was a good time for you! And yes, A-Ha made our world a little bit prettier.... Take On Me, indeed!

  2. And I am going to my 50th this fall. Time sure flies! I wonder who will be there? I do know that my friend, an exchange student from Japan, will be there, and I can't wait! Then I look at myself and think that I had better get to work! I think I will try writing some of women who where in my group of friends and encourage them to attend. I do know that a couple are questionable since they have grandchildren due to be born at about the time of the reunion.

  3. PS -- hearing you, Mina, and Susan visiting and laughing in the front room brought back many good memories. I loved it. It also makes me feel good that you and your sisters feel comfortable inviting your friends to come and stay so that you can get a good visit.

  4. You sure are one hot mama - I just love your sense of style!!! Beautiful!!

    And it looks like you had a blast with your friends. Great pictures!

  5. It was so fun reliving that high school girl time! I find that Morten is almost too pretty for me now...I still love his voice though.

  6. Well, you know Susan, when we divvied the boys up Pal was mine. What is it about me and skinny men?

    Mom (and Dad too), thanks so much for having us all--it would not have been the same otherwise. : )

    Scottish Twins, you must be my new best friend.

    No, thanks for the sweet words--don't feel like you always have to be so encouraging. Although I certainly don't want to DIScourage you either! : )

    Rosa, I hear you. The 10 year was actually way more laid-back than this one, which surprised me--I thought people would only get friendlier and less out to impress as time went on, but it turns out some people's true colors seem to be showing up right about now. So unfortunately there were a few sad and awkward and weird moments that weekend--but still, it was a great experience and worth every minute to be with good old friends. : )
