words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Steam-punk 101

The post you are looking for has been moved here.


  1. I have never heard of this. Interesting.

    I can't wait to learn more :)

  2. why why why why WHY am I just discovering your blog? I'm on your sidebar and I don't even know about YOUR blog...GEEZ(word choice intended...lol)

    Well, Blessed, I will be catching up on all your blog posts while I am away on my Siberian Adventure!!! woo hoo! Nastia is bringing her laptop and i am stealing it to keep up my favorite pastime while away (yes, blog reading)

  3. ooh! PS: my company directed a steampunk version of Hamlet last year (at my request). Very cool.

  4. FaerieMama, I am so glad you stopped by--but no need to catch up me unless you are really bored during that loooooooong flight to and fro. I am glad you don't mind me introducing you to my 30-odd readers--your story and your heart are both beautiful and that is why you are linked to my sidebar, not because I expect the same from YOU! : )
