words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Steampunk Style, for the Lady

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  1. It's totally not my style, but I find the pictures really interesting. I think I would like it more if there were a bit more color :)

  2. And I would say it's not my style either. . . completely. I hope to post about that later!

    And actually, there IS a lot of color in steampunk clothing, but not necessarily in the photos I posted. I just tend to like the more monochromatic looks, first because they looks neat, and second because I like clothes that look "real" and not like just costumes, and the brighter colored things too often fall in the later category, or are just plain garish.

    But, LOTS of color coming up in the steampunk accessories! : )

    Thanks for commenting!

  3. This will probably only make sense to me, but I see it as an alternate post-Industrial Revolution option. As in, a world vastly similar to ours went through an industrial revolution during a time of more gender equality and the clothing represents the mechanical advances of the day but still remains exclusive through amazing fabrics and accoutrements that the average worker wouldn't be able to afford. Like a Hollywood meets Industrial Revolution style. And tans and blacks seem most appropriate to me, but maybe that's because all of I've seen. I'll be back to see your next post because I'm too lazy to google today :p

  4. Stacy, great comment! I started to respond, but you got me so excited I realized I was writing way too much for this little comment box, so I will be responding in my next post! : )

  5. And you tell me that I am weired:) But I have always enjoyed your creativity. God gave us such a blessing when He gave us you.

  6. Mom, when did I ever tell YOU that you were weird? Um, I think we all agree I got the glut of weird in our family. : ) And even where our tastes diverge, and yours might run to bright and bold prints where I might run to somber colors and subtle textures--I still like most of what you like. Just not for me! ; )
