words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Sunday, January 29, 2012

sunday snapshot

At least one of the blogs I read has this running feature called the "Sunday Snapshot" where you take a pic and blog about it on Sundays and then share the link with others doing the same thing. 

I am waaaaaaaay to lazy at this point to start something regular like that.  And I am not the best photographer, by any means.  But when I sent the girls off to church this morning (I stayed home for a rare morning of rest), their clothing made me smile.  They have this new thing recently, of getting dressed (or creating a dress-up outfit) and then coming to ask me what part of the world or period of time they look like.  This morning, the two youngest came and asked, and all I could say was, "Gypsy." So I decided to get a pic of them when they returned home.

Here are my three colorful, creative girls, out on the back deck, in some of our favorite duds:

No, we don't look like any other family at church, that's for sure! 

: )

(Aunt Becca, notice the vest that is still seeing lots of use?  We have sure enjoyed your handiwork. : )


  1. You have some beautiful children! I love their gypsy style.

    And I hope you enjoyed your morning of rest. :)

  2. Gorgeous! I totally love their style!

  3. I love the pics -- but, then, I am their grandmother. So some may say that I could be a little prejudiced:) They all look great, and Happy certainly has a flair for posing. Love to hear from you. Hope you have a good week! Love you all!
