words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Update on The Big List

It's been just over a week since my gung-ho Anti-Procrastination January 2013 post.


Just today, going back and reading the list of things I said I had done since Christmas made me feel so much better, so that's at least one good thing that came from making that post.  Even if not much more has been done on my goals since then.  Oh, I have really good reasons for things not getting done this past week--would you believe I got my period a week and a half early, cramps and all, and then got round 2 of that weird and painful tummy illness!  I have a hard time being productive if I can't work up some steam, and I have a hard time working up steam when my body feels terrible.  Just doing the everyday basics feels like a challenge when you aren't feeling good--let alone those big, time-consuming, nasty, tedious, or otherwise psychologically challenging tasks you just wish would somehow magically resolve themselves.  So looking back on this week, I'll consider the laundry and dishes and dinners I did get done as achievements to be proud of, even if they weren't on the list.

Actually, I did a lot more than just lay around this past week--I started feeling fine just in time for three back-to-back days of homeschool field trips.  And a nice long playdate too.  And that's while still trying to get schooling done.  So, all in all, it was a long week that went by too quickly.

The crazy is going to continue until Tuesday morning, with multiple things going on daily out and about--and we need to finish the big writing assignments by Weds too!  So, the Big List might have to be put on hold until then.  But maybe I can get one last big hurrah of energy and time then on Thursday to finish out the month feeling like I got some things done. ; )

But really, I have been steadily and slowly chipping away at the Big List, even with set-backs of not feeling good and being away from home too much for a couple of days.  It is too easy for me to be discouraged when I just look around the house and see everything that needs to be done--so to look at the list and see what I have done really does make me feel better!

I hope whatever goals you made for yourself have been within your grasp, and you are feeling good about your own accomplishments.  Please do tell me how you are doing!  I don't have much to celebrate, so I would love to celebrate with you.  Or, conversely, I'm here to sympathize with you if your week went as awry as mine did.  Either way, I'm here for you!

The Big List of Things That Must Be Done

--State-required narrative essay--Sunny, Merry, and Happy
--Begin unit on California--start making unit folders
--Write out Vintage Homeschool Book of Months project--and post on The World is Our Classroom
--Write out "              "           "My Big Backyard" project--and post on The World is Our Classroom
--Email photos of homeschool activities to friend
--plan math party
--schedule Vintage Homeschool gatherings for the Spring

--Go through bags of old papers currently hidden in a bin in the shower room
--Deep clean shower room
--Clean off and reorganize shower room shelves
--Go through and reorganize bathroom cupboards
--Paint bathroom cupboard
--Deep clean bathroom
--Repair broken support in upholstered bench in living room
--Go through filing cabinet
--Find homes for new Christmas things
--Clean off other bookcase
--Deep clean high shelves around house
--Good dusting of whole house
--Take photos of artwork so can throw away

--Package to mail to in-laws
--Mail movie to friend we borrowed it from
--Mail thank-you notes to family
--Start listing and delivering freecycle items
--Skype with friend in England
--Have a phone date with Susan and Mina (See Susan--so fun to talk with you, and so fun to put this on the list so I had the satisfaction of crossing it off. ; )
--Make playdates with friends we have not seen in ages
--Bake something with the flour and sugar that's been sitting on the hutch for several weeks--then put away properly
--Go to UPS Store to make copies for homeschool
--Eat Hide in the freezer all the remaining Christmas chocolate

Computer research/shopping:
--Choose location for hanging of backpacks, choose hooks and hang
--?New hinges for closet door?
--Clock for kids' bedroom
--rug for under bench (for muddy boots)
--get new leggings for Sunny


  1. Doesn't it feel great to cross things off a list! Daddy used to make fun of me because I didn't just draw a line through the item, I literally removed it from the list by completely scribbling it out. He said I was wasting ink. I told him it was cheap therapy:) By the way -- I think we have found the house that we want to make an offer on. Also -- I need birthday ideas for daughter #2.

  2. I didn't post a list, but I did tell you of one thing at the top of my list. The library books have been found (a student had them - thanks for praying!), and a room was cleaned in the process of searching for them!

  3. Yes, Mother, I love crossing things off lists! But I don't like to obliterate them completely--I like to see them still, because seeing them "done" is my psychological reward. I have been known to write things on my "to do" list that I have already done, just so I can cross them off (because, hey, sometimes the things I have already done are the only things I will get to cross off the list that day!).

  4. YAY Terry! Both for finding the library books (WHEW!) and for getting that room clean. I have not found my missing two books (grrrrr) but there is one place I still have not looked--in the underbelly. When I was not feeling well I just could not bring myself to do it, and then I got busy and kinda forgot for a couple of days while I tried to get other things back on track. But since I got the last email reminder that they are due tomorrow. . . now it is your turn to pray for me finding them!

  5. I tried to update mine here but the comment section won't allow my strike-throughs...so I cannot. I feel like I have made good progress on the stuff for my paid job - so that is good! Semi-ignoring my volunteer job stuff because it is daunting. Feel like I am on top of the things I need to do for the girls. I will cheer when I do one of the wish things on my list. I did, however, play the cello and I will have a lesson next week!

  6. Thanks for sharing your successes, Susan! Esp. the cello--that makes me happy for you!
