My sweet Educational Specialist Terry--the liason who documents our learning for our homeschool charter--read my earlier blog post and emailed me pics I had long ago sent her of those human body books I was telling you about that Becky and I helped the kids make during that Bible study childcare time. (She is seriously the best, ever. Thank you, Terry! I STILL cannot find the original pics anywhere--clearly misfiled!) The photos are not great, but give you the idea. Basically, there was one page for each of several different systems in the human body: circulatory, respiratory, skeletal, plus a page for the five senses. Becky and I cut out the pages, but the preschool and homeschool kids each did their own artistic representation of the systems, following our guidelines and what we were learning that day. The cover of each book featured each child author, so opening the book was like "This is me, and here is what I am inside!"
It was such a cute idea that we will revisit it again when Happy and Smiley are old enough to participate--and this time, the older girls can make them more realistic, more detailed, and have more pages representing even more systems of the human body, maybe even using some see-through film so we can layer pages and see how it all works together. . .
Anyway, I thought some of my readers might like to see this--applicable for preschool, homeschool, or Sunday school! (Esp. if you do like we did and use Scripture verses about the body to augument our learning.)
1 month ago
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