words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Friday, June 17, 2011

blogging, interrupted

This is what I started to write last Sunday:

Ok, there are other things I started to write about a couple of days ago, but no time to write anything now--it is late, and I have been driving myself all weekend to get a lot done. So excited to see REAL PROGRESS on some long overdue projects around here! Thank you, Mom and Dad and Rebecca (my big sister) and Emily and Sarah (her daughters) for planning the trip to come all the way out here, which lit this fire under our hineys. But the biggest THANK YOU goes to my Dear Husband and his Dad, who have been working even harder than me this weekend. : )

Now it is Friday.  Already?  The days are flying by, and I have so many things I want to tell you all, but just not enough time to sit down and write them all!  But last weekend, FIL came down for a long weekend (MIL stayed with her mom, who is now needing more caregiving) and he and DH did lots of stuff around here, that was great!  But the best part was that they helped move the big extension ladder for me around the front of the house, so that I PAINTED THE WHOLE FRONT OF THE HOUSE!  That's two coats on the wall, and two coats on all the divided lites of our huge windows.  I'll post pics as soon as I get good ones, after I scrape the windows for excess paint and touch up the trim around the windows and stoop.

And THAT'S NOT ALL, folks!  Last weekend and this week I have also finished painting the enclosed carport, have repainted the screen door, have done some necessary deep-cleaning inside the house, and have finished half of my necessary gardening!  All while having a school week, feeding and tending children, and spending hours on etsy planning Happy's upcoming birthday celebration!

Now tomorrow FIL will be back, because he and MIL so generously offered to bring down their motorhome for my family to stay in here in our driveway while they are visiting!  And while he is here, he will help with some more of the work we are trying to do around here. . . .  Again, all this stuff has been needing done for a loooooooooong time.  It's not like we can get everything done that needs doing before my family comes.  And it's not like the place still won't look like crap like a work in progress.  But it feels SO GOOD to get so much done!

So, I'll be working my butt off again this weekend, and you may not hear much from me.  I'll just keep blogging in my brain, and maybe one of these days will actually get to complete some of them!

Until next time, have a great weekend!


  1. Great job conquering the to-do list! If you run out of tasks at home, I've got a list you can tackle here! Have fun!

  2. Good job! It feels so good to mark things off of the list! I love that feeling!

    Now I'm wondering how on earth you were able to do all of that done WHILE doing school, cooking and surfing etsy?

  3. Kari, I really truly wish I could come over to your place and be helpful in some way--but guess it's not meant to be! And it's not like the list ever will end around here! ; )

    Gabe, you know, I have managed to get so much done in the past two weeks because I have hit upon an amazing balance of work--normally I knock myself out with hours at one hard task, and it completely drains me and leaves me sore and tired and crabby with my kids because I have nothing left for them. These past two weeks, I find myself just doing little bits of different things all days long, staying busy but not getting hugely involved in any one thing (other than the painting, and even that I did with plenty of breaks) and mixing up the activity so that it's like a little laundry, then a little kid attention, then a little cleaning, then a little gardening, then a little project work, then a little resting, then a little kid attention, then a little laundry, then a little cooking, then a little blogging, then a little painting, then a little gardening. . . you get the idea. I might only plant one or two plants, but hey! that's something, and I don't end up too worn out to function well in the other aspects of life that need my attention too. And it works--seeing progress on all fronts, and being a much better mommy and housekeeper to boot! : )

  4. Congrats! You really got a lot done. Isn't it a great feeling to see such progress? I've never understood the "runner's high" that athletes talk about, but a "project high"- that I totally get! We were busy too; since my girls are traveling I decided this was a good time to tackle the kitchen (only 2 years overdue). C helped a lot and we managed to remove all wallpaper, patch walls, sand, prime and paint in only 4 days! I just have the trim and details to paint, then move everything back & clean up the mess! No more packing tape holding down the wallpaper corners- whoo hoo!

  5. I heard from mom you were getting a lot done. Rebecca. Ah, what a feeling!

    And I just saw in the "stats" for this blog that you left comment number 1000! I think you get a prize! (must come to visit to redeem prize. ; )
