words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Thursday, March 19, 2009

Never, Ever (Or, Why I Love American Girl Dolls Regardless of My Previous Rant)

Finally, in the last entry of my All Things Dollish Thursday:

The KRMG Morning News Blog
FL Mom Says Doll Has 'Sexually Suggestive' Message
Joe Kelley, Host of the KRMG Morning News @ January 12, 2009 4:10 AM

ORLANDO, Fla. -- A local mother who got a Bratz doll for her daughter said on Friday that she noticed something inappropriate on her child's new toy.
"She's my favorite doll," said 7-year-old Breana Staley.
Breana said she loves her Bratz doll Cloe's soft hair and outfits, but her mother says part of the rocker doll's outfit is out of line.
Victoria Staley said her daughter's doll's belt buckle reads "Enter."
"The belt buckle," Staley said. "She's like, 'Why does it say 'Enter?' What am I supposed to do?"
Staley said the word on the buckle is just too "sexually suggestive" for a 7-year-old's toy.
"She doesn't need to know about that," Staley said. "I don't think it's the right message for children at all."
She said if she had known the belt buckle said that, she wouldn't have bought the doll.
She said she took off the belt and let Breana keep her new Christmas present.
"She's in a band," Breana said. "She plays with her friends in a band."
Staley said that when she called the company, MGA Entertainment, a representative told her that the belt is supposed to be that way.
"The way he was explaining, it's supposed to be like a seat belt," Staley said. "Like how a seat belt in a car has enter, you enter the seat belt. I'm like, well, you're still entering."
Staley said the Bratz maker offered her a couple of free toys, but she said that's not enough.
"I just wasn't going to let it go," she said. "I don't want them making that doll anymore."


  1. Bratz are strictly outlawed in my house!

  2. Bratz totally creep me out too. Ugh!

  3. Actually, the worst doll I ever saw was not a Bratz--it was a Bratx BABY! Imagine, if you have not seen these before, a "baby" doll with the same pouty look and full makeup job and coifed hair and slutty baby clothes too, to really round out the whole revolting look. About the size of a Cabbage Patch doll, but I guess from the wrong side of the vegetable garden. But speaking of which, what was up with "Garbage Pail kids" when we were young? I was just too old for dolls anyway, but who actually bought them?!

  4. And while looking for a picture of the Bratz baby, I found a great article about them--the mom who wrote said everything I think about them, only more eloquently:
