words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Tuesday morning worship

These are all songs they play sometimes at our church during worship, which I'm singing and dancing (and just a little joyful crying) to this morning:

(Remember to double-click on the image to watch full-screen in youtube)

(ignore the cheesy images and just listen to the music)

This next one that God used to totally minister to me back on New Years when my in-laws were here and I was struggling and vulnerable. I shared it on facebook a short while back, but it has been my favorite song recently, and is totally worth sharing here too:

Ok, listening to this just now again while picking up the house, I was crying and literally jumping and dancing, unabashedly.  This song is where God has me!

These are all songs you might hear us singing at Vintage Faith church in Santa Cruz on any given Sunday.  And I just found on youtube a clip of Josh Fox, our music director, leading worship at a conference with a song he wrote that we often sing at church.  So, this isn't our church (you can find other clips of it on youtube if you are curious) but it is a good glimpse into my usual Sunday morning worship (except for the praying in a middle of a song thing--we don't normally do that).

Or Tuesday morning worship, as it might be.

I would absolutely love to know what music is stirring your heart this week.  Does not have to be a religious song--what is moving you, has meaning for you where you are? 

Blessings upon you, wherever life finds you this day.


  1. How He Loves has a special place in my heart. God has spoken to me through that song before. I love the David Crowder version you posted (because I adore DCB), but think the live Jesus Culture version is the best.

    Speaking of David Crowder Band, I've been listening to their Church Music CD a lot this week. In particular, the song SMS Shine. If you've never seen the video for that song, check it out on youtube. The entire thing was done with Night Brite and is pretty amazing.

    A secular song that spoke to me this week was by Rodney Adkins (I know, I'm a total redneck :P). It's In The Middle. Part of the chorus talks about "a way of live worth fighting for" and those words stuck with me. I often get upset when I look around me and see so much apathy. I wonder how people can just not care about what is happening in this country, both in terms of values and politically to our freedom. Then I remember that there are some people that don't feel like their way of life is worth fighting for. I feel sad for those people, because I truly do think that my way of life and the things that I try to stand for are worth even laying down my life for. I don't know - total randomness, I guess. I've just been thinking about those words this week and feel really blessed for this way of life that God has put on my heart.

  2. Thanks for sharing those songs, Jessica--it was fun to look them up and listen. I really don't listen to much Christian music, so don't know what all is out there and what other people routinely hear. But *just* a few days ago I stumbled upon Jesus Culture on youtube--how did I never know they existed?

    I TOTALLY hear you about your feelings in that last paragraph. I am struggling with my own thoughts about all that--will maybe share in a post sometime.
