words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Friday, July 27, 2012

Amelia update--UPDATED

Oh, friends, would you please pray, pray, pray for Amelia and her family? They are going to try to bring her home to the states, but oh, what a long and terrible journey they have ahead of them. Please pray that Amelia does not die on the trip home. I know there are other things that need our prayer, such as the other children traveling with them, but everything else seems just to pale in comparison--Lord willing the worst that will happen with the other children is they are unhappy and hard to manage, but at best they will be content and quiet--but they are not in immediate danger of not even surviving the trip. Adeye gave the most recent updates here and here. Would you please share these with whomever you can?

 God is soverign, and understands this horrible situation much more than we can.  It might be more merciful for him to take this little girl home with Him rather than put her through the overwhelming distress of the trip to the States. . . oh but Lord, would you please deliver her? Through her trauma, through her incomprehension and fear, despite her tiny emaciated frame. . . would you please bring her here safely?   You gave given her a will to live for this long, through this much--please strengthen her will for this journey into safety and love and care and family.  I trust by your infinate love and mercy that you now hold this little one in your hands, and that you will act out of your nature, and for the glory of your Holy Name.

UPDATE:  from this blog, quoting the words of Susanna (of "The Blessings of Verity") the mother of Katie, also from Pleven, who knows from their experience bringing Katie home what the dangers are and what this child and family are going through:

"[Amelia] is just so emotionally fragile. She has the ability to drink out of those horrid bottles, but is traumatized and refusing everything just like Katie did. Even with the extra pound she gained this past spring due to Tokuda, she still has so few physical reserves, and that’s partly what makes this stressful and scary for Jenny. (Not to mention that her three other new children are back at the hotel without her. What a nightmare of a week she is having. :( ) The orphanage diet has slightly improved, but it is still far from what it should be. Too little too late. Primarily, now that Amelia’s cut loose from everything that was familiar to her, she’s bottoming out because her emotional reserves are nil. Part of our praying should be that she opens up to Jenny emotionally and begins to find comfort from her, and attach to her, so she can heal. The lack of that bond and human contact is partly what caused her condition, and if her receptors have been so badly damaged that they aren’t working any more, well, let’s just pray that God continues to work His miracles in her. NOBODY is past the ability to learn to receive love, but it can be a very long process. Amelia is suffering the effects of 8 years with no baba, and then 3 1/2 years of a NOT-good baba. It is possible to roughly connect the condition of the children in Pleven with the factors that caused the condition they’re in. How old/how long in Pleven, their original dx or lack thereof, “cute” or “not-so-cute,” on the top floor or no, baba or no, good baba or bad, what percentage of the child’s life they had a baba—and from all this you could come up with a fairly accurate picture of the child’s condition without ever having met them. :(  "

I thought you all would like a better understanding of what is going on with Amelia, so you know  how best to pray.

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