words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Blessing of the Week: Best Friends FOREVER

Once again, I have gone way longer than I intended to without blogging, once again for the best of reasons:

My dear Susan came for a girlfriend visit!  It was truly a lovely time--tea and treats and chatting and walking around seeing things and eating delicious food (we had opportunity to eat out several times during her stay, and we chose well).  DH's parents' motorhome is still here from the summer, so Susan and I had a three-day slumber party out there--even just the pleasure of a good book and good companionship while you are settling down to sleep is so wonderful. 

(And Susan was such a trooper, even though she froze all night long the first night in the motorhome because neither of us would have imagined that all the vents in the motorhome were OPEN, and the little space heater's efforts were pretty much being sucked out to the cold night, and I had given her the "nice" blankets and taken the "old and funky" afghans for myself, and so she was an icicle all night and I was close to warm and toasty--she has forgiven me, I think, because that's what Best Friends do.)

(Oh, and Susan, I realize I kept introducing you to people as "my best friend," which is true, even if several amazing women share the title, and I hope that was not awkward for you, but I could not resist letting people know that this was a *special* visit.  Oh, and every time I did, I thought about how my MIL once lectured me for telling someone in her hearing that you were my best friend--because she thought it was rude to the person I was speaking to, implying that woman was not my best friend, even thought I had only known that woman a few months and she would never have assumed best friendedness--so I also felt a little rebellious every time. ; ) I'm claiming you, woman, for what you are!)

One of the best parts of Susan's visit was how I had opportunities to mix her up with other dear friends in ideal girlfriend situations!  First there was a mending party, and Susan and I got to hang out with my dear Rosa at the home of another lovely woman, sipping tea, sewing buttons and chatting like old biddies, and every time one of us completed a mend, she would hold up her victory and the rest of us would admire it and applaud her accomplishment.  And then one evening my dear Becky came by and the three of us lounged in the motorhome and snacked and laughed.  Doing such pure girlfriend things with these lovely friends was like the beauty of tea and dark chocolate together--the combination just brings out the tastiest things about each, making the experience of them even more enjoyable.  In other words, I was in girlfriend heaven.

(Oh, and just so you all know, when I was growing up my earliest best friends were boys, and I valued my boy friend relationships more than my girl friend relationships, probably because I had sisters and no brothers, so somehow the boy friends seemed more special.  And I thought girls were meaner than boys, and often less interesting in the things they wanted to play.  I always did have at least one female BF, though, and then all of a sudden in high school I ended up with three BFF's--Susan, Mina and another Susan.   And then in college I was in a co-ed dorm that arranged the rooms in "suites" and my suitemates became my great friends, so much that we managed to live together in some fashion all four years.  And then as a young married in CO I met a fabulous group of other young married women, and then when we moved to CA God gave me a smaller but even more fabulous group of women. . . . And somewhere along the way, I went from not valuing girlfriends much to being a huge champion of them!  And somewhat of a connoisseur.  ; )

The long weekend with Susan ended with a day and overnight in San Francisco--which took the feelings of girlfriendhood and being a grownup and freedom to a whole new level.  And it has been amazing this week to notice how much I am rejuvinated in spirit, being a patient, purposeful mommy and a much more content wife.  When I spoke with Becky for a few minutes by phone yesterday, and said how great my spirit/mommying/wifery was this week, she pointed out that the time away was obviously good for all those things.

DH, take warning note.

My fellow moms, you all have a special place in my heart, and I am praying for you all this week, that you would find peace and contentment and refreshment this week however you can; that the Good Lord would surround you with life-giving relationships; and that you would be encouraged in your mommying and wifery as I have been.  I am so, so blessed, ladies, and I pray for your own blessing and renewal.  Much love to you all!


  1. I remember that we called your boy friends, friend boys. I used to hate it when people would ask if you had a boyfriend. And girls especially in middle school can be very mean, your older sister certainly experienced that, and I seem to remember that your younger sister did also. I envy you for all your "best friends." I don't think I have ever experienced that although I have had some very good friends. I am very glad that you and Susan had such a good time.

  2. Sounds like a wonderful time. I'm jealous. I wish I lived near you and could join you for some tea and girlfriend time :)

    I had all sisters too and often found myself drawn to the friend boys over the girls.

  3. IS that the best picture??? Oh well! I had a wonderful time and loved all the chatting time we had and all the wonderful meals…especailly the ones you made..all the way down to the cornmeal mush for breakfast, reallly! I wish I could say I was mothering better - maybe for the first day but with Luke being gone that didn't last too long - especially when I got burned by a plea to do homework after dinner that created an early morning and more tears.

  4. All my readers, I sincerely hope it did not come off as bragging when I talked about how blessed I am with girlfriends. In fact, I gave my "history" of girl friendships so you would know that I am fully aware of how unusual this is and how awesome. I DO NOT KNOW WHY I AM SO LUCKY. But I am accepting this gift from the One who gave it, and am praising Him for it.

    Yes, mom, that's why I wrote "boy friends" and not boyfriends--I agree, it is a shame the term has come to mean just one thing. But you have had some very good friends over the years--Mrs. Noel, Mrs. Cording, Mrs. Jennings, women who you know would be there for you if you needed them. That is the heart of true friendship. : )

    Jessica, I wish you were closer too!!!!

    Susan, there were surprisingly several good pics, and I was keeping the whole, um, flattering profile thing in mind. I like this pic and think you look great! Oh, I am so sorry you are having a rough re-entry--so different to come home to single parenthood. : (

  5. So glad you had "battery recharging" time with Susan! A friendship that has lasted that long is special; I have only kept up with one or two friends from high school, and we don't share that degree of closeness anymore. It happens. E is blessed with some friendships that have lasted 11 yrs so far, and I so wish S was blessed with strong friendships. It makes such a difference in handling social difficulties. Her closest church friend (and mine too!) moved away this summer and there are tensions happening in her group of friends at school, so she's back to not having anyone to talk to. Some days my heart bleeds for her, but she mostly seems content. She does have a guy friend, but it's not the same.

  6. It is so strange, Rebecca, how you almost can't make friendships happen--they just seem to happen on their own. S is a lovely girl, so fun to be around, so smart and personable and it just makes no sense that she has no close friends right now. But surely there will come a point when she stumbles upon someone and they realize they click, and the rest will be history. : )

    (E, if you read this, I could have said the same of you!)
