words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Snippets and Snapshots #1

Seriously, there are way too many things I want to share with you all, and so little time to blog these days. So this morning I am going to post a few random bit of life that have been special to me, or that I think you might find interesting.

So, welcome to my life, in snippets!

So, starting last week:

Smiley is walking!

(and if you can see from the photos, he also got his first shiner! From losing his balance while sitting in the little baby rocking chair and falling forward)

(for those of you intersted in the layout of our house, this is in front of the back door, off the living room)


  1. I am soo soo soo happy that you had such a good time with D's cousins and their families. What a nice birthday gift for D. I am just jealous:) Love the pics.

  2. Yay for Smiley!

    I love all of the wood in your house!! We need a photo tour one of these days :)

  3. Thanks, Scottish Twins. Yes, our whole house is wood--coastal redwood to be exact. Hmmm although looking at the pic you can see one of the cherry bookcases and the oak filing cabinet--we enjoy all non-blonde woods. I WILL do the photo tour. . . um, as soon as I get on top of the piles of clutter that crept into permanent residence this past fall!
