words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Awesome, Creative, Crafty Mom

I wish I was talking about me in that title. But I am not THIS creative and/or crafty:

It's a FORT. That Scottish Twins made for her son's first birthday, with the help of his Nana. It goes over their kitchen table. I am absolutely in LOVE with this.

I am amazed at her creativeness and craftiness.

Even more, I am impressed with the idea of having a kitchen table and floor clean enough to ever put such a cover on and encourage kids to crawl around under.

Inspiring, I say. On all counts.

(check out her blog to see more pics of the various windows and doors and see her adorable kids in it!)

(and while we are on the topic of creative/crafty moms, check out the most adorable handmade T-shirts here)


  1. You are too sweet :)

    I have to sweep below the kitchen table after every single meal or else it would be really gross. Both of my kids like to throw food. lol

  2. All my kids are messy eaters, and I am trying to work it into our home routine that each girl takes a turn sweeping under the table after each meal, but too often we rush away from the table to another activity before we have a chance--or I forget. So at the end of the day, I look at the floor and want to gag. Then I turn out the kitchen lights and slowly back away.

    I sweep the rest of the house, though! And even thought that is often twice a day, between a dirt driveway and wood-burning fireplace (i.e. husband bringing in armfuls of wood nightly), my floors are constantly dirty.

    But seriously, this idea inspires me. And makes me want to up the floor cleaning. : )

  3. What a great idea! And it wouldn't be that hard to do. For our girls it was a big appliance box that we held onto for awhile. We cut a small door and window in the sides, and they draped something fabric over the open top. Best thing was, it could fold up!
