words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Sunday, February 14, 2010

You Gave Me Wings, an original painting by The Little Fox

This is my Valentine to you all: to write something--anything--to get "driftwoody" off the front of this blog. ; )

I started to write about my morning, which had some lovely moments that I am still savoring. But I ran out of time. So, instead, here is a little pictoral homage to all manner of homemade loveliness, from etsy, the online shop I "heart."

Penguin with a warm heart, by Wool Crazy

How cute is that?!

Red Hood, by Afra

(The hood is not Valentine themed, but when I saw it, I blurted aloud, "I love it!")

Red Berry Heart, by Pink Marmalade

He says he can hear the Forest whisper, an original print by Hide n Seek

Maybe this is true for everyone, but my favorite art pieces are those that inspire a new thought in me, or turn an old thought on its head, and that make me feel.

And of course I cannot post about etsy without mentioning that Live Once, Juicy now has her own etsy shop! I am so thrilled for her, and hope this venture brings her contentment in her work, bliss in her marriage partnership, freedom in her place of work, and of course money in the bank. : )

Cherry Lime Rickey Scrubbie Set, by Live Once Juicy

Isn't it adorable? And practical!

Many warm wishes to you all today. : )


  1. Thanks for posting to move driftwoody down the page. While I NAK, I bounce around from blog to blog, and everytime I would click on your blog from my favorites list, I would think UGH, why did I do that again...lol!

  2. You are welcome! I had the same problem, since the blogs I read are all linked to the right-hand sidebar of this blog, so every time I wanted to see if anyone had posted anything new, I would have to scroll past "woody" to see--and had to turn off the monitor if the girls ran by the computer! ; )

  3. That hood is cute, and would be very easy to make.

  4. Easy for YOU to make, Rebecca! Although yesterday, sitting next to Becky at church, watching her knit while listening to the message, I was thinking it is about time I learned to knit, and got the girls in on it too. But I am NOT setting up any expectations! I'll start it when I feel like I have the energy and brain space. . . : )

  5. I love you! Thank you so much for being happy for me. I was so scared to post about my store on my blog, because I didn't want to become like a "come buy from me" blog. Thanks for making it okay. (And I heart Etsy, and your picks, too!)

  6. Such lovely things, all. I too thought that the hood would be an easy knit, but those crochet scrubbies - oh! When I see things like that, I would so love to be able to crochet, but I just can't seem to get my head around it. I can knit fairly complex stuff, yet crochet completely eludes me. Perhaps one day I'll "get" it, or I'll find someone to teach me.

    It's great fun to knit with one's children - a couple of summers ago I had an impromptu knitting group here comprising my two girls and several of their friends. They all learned to knit, and took on quick, easy projects (scarves in super chunky wool, for example). We had such a fun time of it.


  7. Lisa,
    Just let me know when you want to learn! I've taught a couple of people how to knit- including my girls! (Although, I think S is the only who is still interested.) Funny thing happened at one of E's slumber birthday parties a few years ago. I was keeping an eye on the action after dinner, and got out my knitting to have something to do, and one by one the other girls came over and asked me to show them how to knit. We ended up having a knitting party and I had to raid my leftovers stash to find yarn for everyone! Luckily, mom gave me her old needles so I have a bunch.

    Have you ever heard of the knitting olympics? I didn't participate last time, although I had read about it, but I was too busy to really get involved. Basically, all these knitters tried to start a project at the beginning of the olympics, and be done by the end of the olympics. A knitting race, if you will. I don't know if anyone started one with this olympics. And there is no way I could finish my current project by the end of the olympics! Did I show you that sweater I was working on, this past June? The yarn was a mother's day present, and my goal is to have it finished by this mother's day. I'm on the last sleeve!

  8. I am in LOVE with that "He says he can hear the Forest whisper" print! Mmm... I may have to buy it! :)

  9. Carrie, and Rebecca, thanks for the encouragement! The idea of the knitting Olympics is great too--would really help someone like me get going on a project, so maybe I can make the 1012 Olympics a good goal for starting. ; )

    Kristina, then you should follow the links, 'cause I think she has postcards of that print. That would be adorable, and affordable too!
