words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Monday, May 11, 2009

Shoes--the Saga Continues

This time, it is about new sandals for G for the wedding we will be attending in Chicago in just a couple of weeks. I need to order something soon, and so have been online for a couple of days now, since I can't find anything remotely cute or suitable here in town. Mom is making dresses for the girls, and G's dress is really kinda vintage looking, with a peaish green floral background with red and white polka dot accents and black trim at the neck on the pockets--really hard to describe, but from the pic she sent of the work in progress, it looks really cute.

So I was originally leaning towards a black sandal, and found a Kenneth Cole that will do.

Then I saw these, also Kenneth Cole:

Oh, so cute! Would look adorable with the dress! They are on sale, too. But I would never buy a 2 inch heel shoe for an 8 year old. Or would I. . . ?

I am soliciting feedback here. The whole impracticality of the red polka dot is offset by the fact that she actually has the cutest red and white polka dot skirt. . . . But the heel. I am just wondering what my sister girlfriends think--would you ever get a shoe with such a heel for your young girl?
Feedback would be greatly appreciated--the quicker the better! And if you want to gently lead me away from my temporary insanity, just tell me you think black would be cuter with the dress anyway. ; )


  1. well..I think they are too high and I can't even imagine buying designer shoes for Julia...is Gwynneth OK on shoes? Julia is tough on them.

    We tried some heels on Julia in desperation trying to buy easter shoes and she was very wobbly in the ankles wearing them.

    All - in all I have to say those look quite impractical for an 8 year old! Will anyone even notice her shoes anyway?

    I'd go with white sandals she can wear to church all summer. Payless even....have you even tried there - I know it may be below your standards but they have a lot to choose from.

    Re-reading it sounds harsh - but you asked!

  2. Oh, I needed the harsh to get me back to my senses! I was shocked when you said "designer shoes"--I was picking Kenneth Cole not because of the name but because they were some of the LEAST expensive, decent sandals I have seen!!! Is Payless where you get shoes for your girls? You're right, I had forgotten about them. See, I have always had success at Target and Mervyn's, and so really have never shopped for children's shoes anywhere else. (except for their Crocs and the Keens from REI we tried because D loves his so much). But all of a sudden, Target has NOTHING the least bit appropriate and Mervyn's just went out of business. This is why suddenly I am in this predicament of needing sandals for the girls and not knowing where to go.

    (I should say right now, which I realize I did not say in the posting, that G does not have ANY sandals that fit, so needs SOMETHING. I am not looking for sandals just to make a fashion statement at the wedding!)

    I was wavering about these sandals just because in all my searching online, I have seen SO many with heels. For toddlers even! So I thought maybe other people don't think a heel like that on a youth sandal is out of the ordinary. Glad to hear your experience is they are wobbly and impractical, because I tend to think G and J are similar in movement and energy.

    Ok, so since you are being so HONEST ; ) here is another one:
    Are Croc mary janes worn by anyone outside of CA? Is it too casual or lowbrow to have plastic shoes at a wedding? G has a black pair that I love for church, since they can be worn in either summer or winter and she can run around so freely in them. But I don't think the whole Croc phenomenon is as acceptable elsewhere in the country. . . could those take the place of sandals at a wedding?

    Anyone? (Now that you know blistering comments are welcome ; )

  3. In Colorado you could get away with it since it is the home of crocs but I would have to say I would not put a child in crocs at a wedding in Chicago.

    Do you have any outlet stores in your area? We tried on a ton at a stride-right outlet. To find flat girls shoes (above size 12) I have only had luck at payless and stride right. JC Penney, Sears, Macy's, Target all go to heels at the "big girl" size. VERY frustrating! I just chekced Land's End - their's are all casual. As a side note - I am loving Land's End for clothes. They have free shipping about once a month and I shop their overstocks and then I can return for FREE at any Sears so I am out nothing!

  4. My daughter was the flower girl in a wedding when she was 8, and wore shoes that had a heal about that size (hard to tell from the photo). She only wore them to church after that, but she never had trouble walking in them or anything.

  5. That is my kind of shopping, Susan! I just did the same thing with Old Navy, get the free shipping and can return what does not work for free. (would you believe we don't have a store in town?) I really like their jeans, but I was disappointed with the quality of the T's I got for the girls. But there is a store 3o min away near D's work, so I can take them back if I want to. Land's End used to have good knits, so I will look for their free shipping deals next time.

    Ok, about the shoes, you are verifying all the nagging doubts I was having, so thanks. We have a Payless at the mall so I will check there. And I will look for a Stride Rite outlet--not sure there is one nearby, but worth a try!

  6. Ok, Dawn, thanks for letting me know that some girls do wear them successfully. Still not sure my daughter would be one of them--after reading Susan's first post I got to thinking about how. . . well, uncoordinated G can be.

    And thanks for all the email updates you are sending this week. It seems so shallow for me to post about shoe dilemmas when Jon and AMy are in the midst of their trauma. So thanks too for stopping by and commenting when you have much more important things to occupy your mind. : )
