words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Thursday, July 14, 2011

bad hair vs good hair, proof in pictures--it's all about the containment

Ok, so I just thought I would follow-up my claims in that last post about bad hair with factual proof.  And don't any of you lovely and thoughtful readers go making comments about how my hair looks great and I should see yours. . . all those self-depreciating comments we women usually make, as a way of building up one another and affirming the sisterhood.  Don't worry--I like my hair long, just as it is!  But I have been noticing recently--for about the past 6 months or so--that my hair hanging down looks better in my imagination than it does in the mirror.  In fact, we don't have any good mirrors for viewing oneself in any large amount, which is good for keeping me less vain, but not good for getting dressed on Sunday mornings for church.  There have been WAY too many Sunday mornings this past year when I would arrive at church, stop in the ladies' room of the Abbey on my way in, and be genuinely amazed and appalled at how different I looked than I had imagined I would when getting dressed back at home.  It's not like I looked horrible those mornings--the disturbing thing is just that age, shifting body, and lack of good mirrors have led me to no longer be able to mentally visualize (is that an oxymoron?) how I look with accuracy. 

But the one thing I noticed consistently was that if I was discontent with the way I looked in the mirror there in the Abbey, putting my hair up quickly right then generally seemed to solve the problem.  I have come to realize that I look younger and slimmer and generally more attractive with my hair put back in a bun.  Even a sloppy bun serves the purpose and makes me look less like a bag lady.  With my hair down I automatically look older, heavier, and frumpier.

Rats!  I remember a time when I used to feel young and even sexy with my long straight brunette hair falling down--Merry was a baby when I had my hair this long but without bangs, which is not the best look for my face, but that style was really cool then (think the long straight locks both Rachel and Monica wore on Friends in a later season) and I felt so fresh and attractive.  I think those days are past me.  And yet, I don't currently have any desire to cut my hair--I like having long brown hair, and think at this point in life if I did cut my hair short, by the time I could grow it out again it would no longer be long brown hair but long grey hair!  So I am content to keep it long with blunt bangs--my traditional long-haired style since I was in college.  It works for me, and requires little maintenance--when I don't feel like dealing with it, I just wrap it up in an elastic band. 

And yet, I am a little sad that it seems like I don't look good with my hair down anymore.  But, I am glad I have figured out the whole up/neat vs down/frumpy thing--without the mirrors at home, this will help me reconcile my mental picture of myself with the real thing a little better. 

So, just to show you all what I mean, here are some pics from our last week. 

Bad hair exhibits A and B, on Day Two of the family fest, taken a few hours apart. 

Good hair exhibit C, taken the same day but a few hours later, with Merry and adorable cousin Sarah.  (You can't see my feet but replacing the Crocs with nice leather Dansko sandals when we got to Carmel accomplished for my lower half what the bun did for my upper.)

Bad hair exhibit D, taken Day 5 in San Francisco (where it was quite windy)

Good hair exhibit E, taken Day 5, with my mom, a few hours later. The bangs are still flattened from wearing a hat, but the overall effect is neither messy nor frumpy.

See what I mean?  Ok, sure, the long-hair photos are not nicely posed or necessarily flattering for other reasons (gotta love the exhausted post-hike hunch in Exhibit B).  But I could show you lots more examples from that family-filled week--you will see when I finish the posts of the whole Family Fest--where hair up was pretty much automatically good, hair down was not so much.  This whole photo experience is significant because since I am the one normally behind the camera, it is rare for me to see so many pics of myself from one short period of time.  In other words, my family's cameras were acting as my mirror, and I feel like they validated what I had already been suspecting there in the Abbey restroom. 

So, anyway, I just want to clarify that I DO NOT HATE MY HAIR.  I do not hate aging, or my post-partum body, or even sometimes appearing frumpy.  Eh, that's life.  But I like knowing what looks good with my aging face, body, what I should do when I want to look my nicest. 

And since I don't post many pics with me in them (again, since I'm usually the photographer) I thought you all would like to see what I look like--good hair and bad!  : )

Actually, now that I think about it, you are welcome to say whatever nice things you want in the comments. ; )

P.S.  And, yes, it looks like I am wearing the same top and hoodie and earrings in all the pics.  Ok, it is a favorite top and my new favorite earrings, and I did wash it between wearings.  Just in case any of you were thinking that sometimes changing my clothes might also help me feel more attractive.


  1. You are so cute! I think this is only the second or third time I have seen pictures of you. And for some reason, I thought your hair was shorter. Maybe you had it pulled back the last time and so I just assumed.

    My hair is only slightly longer than yours right now and it is so hard to wear down (when I actually do wear it down for Adam). It ends up knotted so easily, because I'm constantly having to brush it out of my way. I much prefer a bun or a long braid.

    But regardless, I think it is beautiful. I just love long hair - it's so feminine. And I LOVE your bangs. I have always wanted to cut bangs, but just don't think I could pull them off. On you they look great and in general I think they make having hair in a bun look less harsh. KWIM?

    And I adore the earrings! I have always admired your style based on your etsy and steampunk posts. You're so far from frumpy :)

  2. I have to say that interestingly my favorite picture was the flattened bangs. I wouldn't say flat, just less fluffy than the other...really!

    You already know my persoanl favorite of you is just below the shoulders (like at your wedding).

    I love your skirt by the way...in fact i reminds me that I bought a skirt for myself the other day and it made me wish you were here because you would LOVE this skirt. I don't think they made it small enough for you though...I accidently tried on a small, which I could squeeze into so no way you could. I will have to send you a picture.

  3. While I see what you mean with hair up vs hair down, I still say your hair handled outings better than mine did. You managed to look somewhat elegant even when wind ruffled, while I just looked wild. Pulling frizzy hair back when it's that out of control actually makes it worse I've discovered, because not all my layers are long enough to be contained so they just stand out worse when the weight of the rest of my hair is missing. Notice there are no pics of me from that windy day! (Admittedly, I was behind the camera, but still!) Freckles and frizz are just not elegant. I'm ok with that, but I know my hair's limitations.

  4. Jessica, I think what you said is the key--hair this long just gets tangled so easily that it looks messy after 30 minutes of life. And I do like myself best with bangs--in fact, in these pics my bangs are a little too long and so are not laying well, so I have to brush them to the side, which is not my favorite. I like them better a little shorter (and it looks a little rockabilly, which goes with my favorite vintage-y tops). I hear you about the bangs helping make a bun less harsh, but I think it is all about the shape of the face, and you look beautiful without bangs. In fact, it seems if you had bangs the most attractive style would be longer and worn to the side, which is really annoying for being a mommy, I find. I just can't stand hair in my face these days. (Come to think of it, the gentle gathers of the hair covers you wear also really soften the look of a bun--maybe that's why I think you look so nice)

    And I realize this does not mean a thing, but it does tickle me that you like the steampunk posts. There is just something about those clothes that fascinate me!

  5. Susan, I know you like my hair in the middle--others have said the same. But I can't stand my hair in any middle length--it just seems too boring! It definitely makes me feel blah.

    And I can't believe you noticed my skirt in these pics--but it is one I wear a lot and realized this past year could easily be part of a steampunk outfit, which makes me like it even more. Now I really want to see your skirt! Please send me a link or something, ok?

  6. Rebecca, there was not one moment in the entire week when I noticed your hair doing anything the least bit wayward. In fact, I remember noticing how nice you looked quite a few times! So your hair in SF was not doing anything odd enough for anyone besides you to notice. I see what you mean about "freckles and frizz" not being "elegant"--but why choose that term as the one to compare yourself against? "Elegant" does not suit you--or me! So let's think of other terms that suit us better, and embrace those!

    Thinking. . .

  7. Oh my goodness!! You have such long hair! Whenever I see a woman with longer hair, I always think they must have so much patience. Mine is barely past my shoulders and I think it already takes too much time to detangle and deal with. So, you have gotten even more awesome in my mind because you are now uber patient :)

    I love having hair long enough to pull back, especially in the summer. It's so convenient!

    And I am going to break your rule and say that your hair looks fabulous!

  8. Stacy, thank you for the sweet words--but I am SO not patient with hair, and in fact one of the best things about having hair long enough to put back is that you can do it anytime and then your hair is fuss-free. Which means, ahem, that my hair pretty much lives in a sloppy bun, secretly unbrushed. Yeah, my hair is so thick and snarls so easily that I have a hard time brushing it when it is wet, so I wait until it is mostly dry. . . which means I usually take it down and brush it at night! ; )

    But after seeing photos of you, I would say that shoulder-length hair suits you--so nicely naturally wavy. In fact, your hair is much like my sister Rebecca's--so help us come up with a word to describe your style of beauty, ok?

  9. Just so you know, if you had posted these photos without comment or captions.... the state of your hair would have never drawn my attention. At all. Seriously.
