It might look like I have been on YouTube a lot recently, but actually, it is just complete coincidence that I am sharing videos with you all of a sudden. I received an email forward today that maybe a lot of you have received, the one about the "Invisible Mother." In fact, I think I have had it emailed to me before, since it was familiar, and I decided to see if I could quickly hunt down the original (knowing how stories get changed in email forwards, like playing "telephone"). My search led me to this video, of the author sharing the complete story in her own words:
Oh, I needed to hear that today, a day that had so much good in it, but which was also so frustrating for me in what I wanted/needed it to be.
I started a long post, but decided the ideas in it worked much better in snippets, of which I am growing fond.
So this video will suffice to give you a peek into the longings of my heart as I write now--that I be faithful and true to the work given me, and do it in the full knowledge that it will someday come to fruition, someday be beautiful, someday be a standing testament to the neverfailing Love of God. But do it also knowing that my strivings matter. Not just for what they will someday bring show, but for what they are now--each wiped crumb, each folded T-shirt, each patient correction--part of a secret language between me and God, in which we whisper, "I love you."
1 month ago