words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Sunday, November 20, 2011

one way to support widows and orphans this holiday season

I have mentioned on this blog before our local fair-trade non-profit Trade As One, which sells beautiful hand-made things from around the world.  Most of the things they sell are actually made by women--often women who are widowed, or abandoned (which, practically-speaking, amounts to the same thing), who have been rescued from the sex trade, or who have HIV.  Trade As One partners with programs in-country that help these women learn to make things from their homes, which enables them to support themselves and their families.   So when you buy from fair-trade organizations like Trade As One, you are helping support widows and orphans--and getting some lovely things in return.

(These eco-shopping bags are gorgeous in person!) 
I am not an advocate of buying a lot of stuff.  We Americans typically have way more stuff than we actually need, and I would love nothing more than to see a nation-wide movement to buy less, to accumulate less, to owe less, to value material items less.  Less really is more. But that does not mean that buying things is in itself bad--it just means there are ways to spend money that are healthy and wise, and ways to spend money that are not.  I hope someday we, as a nation, re-learn our whole way of thinking about spending and stuff. 

Still, even if we cut down on our consumption, we are still going to be buying.  Clothes wear out, things break--we will always be consumers, so the key is just buying with appropriate  moderation and with lots of thought. 

Now as the holidays approach and most of us are going to be thinking a lot about gift-giving, we have the perfect opportunity to try to put into practice whatever ideals we have about healthy and wise ways to spend money.  And this is where fair-trade organizations come into play--because the beautiful hand-made things you can buy through them not only give a living wage to struggling people around the world, but also give them hope, and dignity. 

Peace Blend Coffee--love the name, love the meaning.
(double-click on the image to read the package)

Some things are more expensive when you buy them fair-trade.  But think about it--who loses out when you or I find a bargin so good we call it a "steal"?  It's not the corporations, or the factories who lose out on any money--it's the people who themselves make the goods.  So, what is the value of a child slaving under harsh conditions to harvest your cocoa for chocolate?  What is the value of a woman who has no means of income except selling her body for a few coins, even with her children hiding in the next room, in a desperate attempt to feed them all that night?  Our money is more powerful than just its face value--it sends messages to corporations about what has worth, and it corrupts our hearts if we value it more than the people who earn almost nothing so we can get a good deal.

Absolutely adorable kids' apple hat! (see the worm? too cute!)

But I have been pleasantly surprised to find that a lot of the things available at Trade As One are not more expensive than I would expect--one of my favorite earrings I bought through them cost me less than I could have bought them at the mall, and some of their beautiful things are cheaper than similar hand-made items on Etsy.   

Organic cotton reversible napkins--LOVE the color and pattern combo!

So, as you shop this holiday season, please consider making some of your purchases fair trade.  It's giving a gift that will bless not only your loved one who receives it, but also people in need around the world.  I am fortunate to know the people who started Trade As One, and my daughters and I have just started volunteering for them during this busy time of the year, but there are lots of other places you can find fair-trade items, so do an internet search to find other retailers online, or better yet in your local area.  

Organic fair-trade chocolate advent calendar!  What's not to love?!

(shhhhhhh. my kids are getting these in their stockings this year--so beautiful!)

Ruler photo frame.  Upcycled, vintage, retro--it is even cuter in person.

Unique Batik embroidered clutch--the workmanship leaves me in awe.

Dark Velvet Chocolate--the smoothest and creamiest dark chocolate I've ever tasted. 

Girl's flowery ear-warmer
I think the ear-warmers are almost as adorable as the girls,
but I'm a little biased. ; )

All of the things I chose to feature here I have seen and touched in person--really nice stuff!  Do you have a favorite fair-trade store or item?  Please share it in the comments!


  1. So many cute things! I love the apple hate and the ear warmers (as well as the adorable girls modeling them :).

    Unfortunately, we don't have any local fair-trade stores. We do have a local coffee shop that sells some delicious fair trade beans.

  2. I loved the things I saw there and have enjoyed wearing the black bead necklace! Have a happy thanksgiving! Wish you were here!
