words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Saturday, July 23, 2011

Family Fest D4: Old-Timey 4th of July

For our 4th of July celebration, there was no better place to be than Wilder Ranch, a local State Park and "living history" Victorian ranch.  Every year for the Fourth, there is an all-out Old Time Patriotic celebration, which I was going to attempt to describe, but which the official Wilder Ranch public announcement can do much better (augumented with photos from my and my parents' and sister's cameras):

Travel back in time a hundred years at Wilder Ranch State Park in Santa Cruz County on July 4, 2011 to experience an old-fashioned Independence Day Celebration 1911 style with patriotic exercises, a parade, music, and games. Free. Festivities run from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.

1911 Historic Parade & Patriotic Music

At 11:45 meet at the apple orchard in front of the Highway 1 tunnel and join in the parade. Bring a musical instrument or noisemaker, dress in 1911 costume, or pull a decorated wagon.

Suffragettes are sure to be there.

Parade walks through the complex to front lawn for flag raising, speeches, and patriotic music. After the parade, watch the flag being raised, and listen to the Declaration of Independence, patriotic music and speeches.

(Raise the flag and say the Pledge--starting out the day with the right spirit in rememberance of what we were all celebrating)

(We the people, in order to form a more perfect Union. . . this part of the day always makes me cry--so wonderfully old-fashioned and patriotic!)

Fun & Games

Try the cake walk, historic lawn games, draft horse wagon rides, ice cream cranking, crafts to make, and listen to live 1911 music.

(Here in the littles tug-o-war, Happy demonstrated a remarkable ability to resist being pulled in the direction she does not want to go. Think this has anything to do with her place in the ranks?)

(Even Rebecca and her girls and DH got in on the "biggest kids" tug-o-war)

(The Littles' race--get ready, get set, go!)

(Smiley either did not know what he was supposed to do or does not have a competitive bone in his body)

(But with the proper encouragement from Sunny, he did the race all on his own. ; )

There is food and drink for sale; strawberry shortcake, dill pickles, watermelon, root beer and hand squeezed lemon aide, or bring your own picnic to spread out on the lawn. Bratwurst USA will be selling BBQ chicken dinners and other cuisine at family prices. Lily’s Roasted Corn and baked potatoes also available.

(My dear Rosa and her own Little, "Hecho"--part of our Wilder Ranch 4th of July tradition is picnicing with the Rosas on adjoining blankets, under certain trees beside the grandstand and the famous climbing tree.)

Wilder Ranch docents will be demonstrating 1911 dairy-ranch work. Walk through the newly renovated historic Meder Ranch house and visit the Ranch animals. Musicians include the Society Orchestra, and our own home grown “5 Ms Band” performing popular 1911 songs.

Also per tradition there was just no way to do everything fun offered in one day. 
Anyone who wants to come visit us, I'd recommend you come in the Fall to see the best weather, but come for the Fourth if you want the most wholesome family fun!

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