words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Thursday, January 14, 2010

Aw, shucks!

Well, I had the nicest thing happen to me the other day--Desiree over at The Happy (Atheist) Homemaker "nominated" me (with two other very cool bloggers who I am pleased to have been introduced to) for two blog awards, which I assume are being passed through the blogsphere at the moment, bringing smiles wherever they go. I gotta tell you, her cheery thoughtfulness was like an encouraging hug, on an afternoon when I could really use one!

So, here is how she described the first award:

"The first one is the Sunshine Award, pictured above left, which is given to someone whose positivity and creativity inspires you." (Sniff--dabbing eyes--so sweet of her!)

The second one is the "Happy 101" award. To claim this one, I am supposed to list 10 things that make me happy--and then pass both awards on to another deserving blog/blogger.

So, without further ado, here are 10 Things That Make Me Happy (in no particular order):
1. a baby reaching for me and hugging me tightly when I go to get him after a good nap (his, not mine, alas! ; )
2. my favorite mug, when the heat of the drink inside spreads to my fingers through its velvety texture
3. getting a good night's sleep
4. sunshine on the deck
5. my little garden, most especially when things are in bloom, or in the rain
6. my girls laughing together
7. a mug of good tea, most especially with some good, dark chocolate on the side
8. the arms of my husband around me in a hug, most especially after a long day
9. seeing the Big Dipper perfectly framed in my kitchen window when I am up to take care of a baby in the middle of the night
10. my house, when it is orderly and the afternoon light comes slanting in
11. the blessing of good friends
(because mine goes up to eleven.)

And so now, I am delighted to pass on the love to three of my personal favorite bloggers:

(drum roll please)

And while there were a LOT of nominees, since I read quite a few funny and creative and inspiring and meaningful blogs, I am going to follow Desiree's example and narrow it down to three (also in no particular order):

1. Rosa over at Rosa-Sinensis, who is not only a dear friend IRL, but who writes with such beauty and wordsmithing and humor, and always makes me glad I stopped by.

2. Joanne at The Simple Wife, who was a treasured friend in CO back when I was newly married, and who exemplifies gracious and graceful living IRL and in her blog.

3. Dorothy at Urban Servant, who I don't know personally but who is truly real and beautiful and inspiring. Since she is moving her family to Colorado Springs, our old stomping grounds, I just might get to meet her one of these days!

I purposefully chose three bloggers in different realms of the blogsphere, to spread the love that much farther. I hope you get a chance to pass them along!

(And if anyone wants to snag the buttons and "nominate" a blog of your own, go for it!)


  1. Ah, shucks! I am so pleased to make the blessed honor role! Thank you, thank you! (Although I have a sneaking suspicion that wordsmiithing in my case just means the ability to make really bad puns....and the inability to keep them to myself!)

  2. You are so sweet. I did come by when you first told me and then marked it to come back and comment further and then...well...never did.

    How I cherish our memories together. I so loved our time together and miss those fun days of being together and watching movies and bowling and eating dinner together each week and hiking in the mountains (still have those pictures and just love them!) and just doing life together. What a precious time!

    And certain that someday we will have a chance for a nice long visit face to face--and preferably in your neck of the woods!

    Much love!
