oh, i forgot about the whole "re-entry" phase. Ugh. Girls having unusual crying fits, yelling at each other, melting down over the littlest things. Oh, yeah, i remember now it usually takes about a week to get everyone back to normal. who knows how long it will take now!
Hope your week is better than i anticipate mine being!
p.s. i am talking about the biggest girl too. ok, so i am not yet crying and screaming, but i definitely noticed i was struggling with readjusting last night when i let myself get too low blood sugar (getting dinner to the table on time is way harder than i remember!) and was sick and tired of reminding the girls about good choices and the rules of our home over and over all day. luckily d came home and could help interface. but he and i were clearly tired and not in our right minds either--he left out the milk (luckily just a little left) and i was going to chastize him this morning, until i realized i had left out a brand-new contained of sour cream. d'oh!
anyone think it is safe to eat sour cream that was at about 65 degrees for 8 hours?
but God is still Good, and can redeem anything, and just now i was able to handle a child who pulled "I'm not going to and you can't make me" for her first time ever patiently and calmly and even, dare i say, lovingly. and the crisis is now over and peace momentarily restored. but now i had better go eat--keeping up the blood sugar is so vital to good parenting in this house!
1 month ago
We ate the sour cream for dinner, without even one bellyache. But I did throw out what we did not eat.