There is a boy who is finally getting some attention about his adoption availability--now, when it is almost too late! "Sebastian" is a boy who turns 16 in 10 days, so he has that long to find a family. If no one claims him as their son, on his 16th birthday, he will be escorted out of the orphanage doors, with maybe a few dollars and the clothes on his back. He will not have a place to live. He will not have a job. He will not have any more schooling. He will be ostracized by his culture for his orphan = outsider status. He will be on his own, expected to fend for himself, with no resources available to help him get on his feet in the world. All at the age of 16.
Some of the kids learn pretty good self-protective instincts in the orphanage, and they can adjust somewhat better to the hard-scrabble life awaiting them outside. But even for these kids, the lack of options lead to extremely high rates in crime involvement, prostitution, and suicide. : (
Some kids just seem like they are on the brink--that they would still, at 15, be excellent additions to a family. That they would thrive and learn and end up doing well in life. Maybe even growing up to be people who are actively striving to make the world a better place, in God's name. But if they don't end up in a family, they will be those kids who flail, who fall, who crumble, who give in to the sad and harsh parts of life.
I don't think I'm over-romanticizing the matter.
"Jonathan"--now Andrew--is an excellent example of the latter child. Please visit his mother's post today to hear her perspective on the older boy adoption.
And then please go read about Sebastian, and hear why he sounds like such an excellent child to adopt, here. I know most of you reading are not in the position to miraculously swoop down and give him a home--but maybe you could share his face and info around your own social networks so maybe he will be found by the people who are his parents? (Just please copy one of these above links, and not post my blog link. Unless you are absolutely sure we are not in the same facebook circles. ; )
And most of all, would you all please pray? It worked for Andrew. We asked God (a lot of us pleaded!) and He granted our desires for Andrew. Would you please pray that He would do the same for Sebastian?
I thank you from the bottom of my heart.
1 month ago
Done and done. God bless him.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for posting this link, Lisa. My husband and I actually inquired about adopting Sebastian. We have always been open to it, and now that we're done having our biological kids it's been on my heart lately. I couldn't believe Jim was open to adopting an older child, but he said yes instantly. Please pray that if it's meant to be it'll work out... I know it's so late in the game.
ReplyDeleteSarah!!!! You have made my heart sing! I don't know that your family will be the ones who will get to adopt him, because I understood the family had to be "dossier ready" just because of the short length of time available--but THANK YOU so much for even trying, and I will pray that God moves whatever mountains need to be moved to get Sebastian into whatever family he is meant for. If you are not meant for Sebastian, then it might be that God is stirring your and your husband's hearts for another child, and so I will pray for you all that God leads you and strengthens you for the journey He might be about to take you on. Thank you so much for sharing this!
ReplyDeleteAh, I wondered about that. Basically we're in a place at the moment that we could act financially right away to get it done, but yeah, we don't have a home study done yet or anything. I just thought I would go ahead and ask them, since it only said that the first of the paperwork had to be filed, and not that the adoption actually had to be finalized, by his birthday. I figured it was a slim chance, but his story just moved me so much. I cried all day on and off thinking about him... which isn't really like me.
ReplyDeleteIf nothing else, I guess now we know that we're both open to an older child adoption at some point, which I had never really given much thought to before- we had talked about a toddler, maybe, and we had always talked about a girl. So this was not MY dream by any means!
And even if we never adopt, I know for sure I want to start supporting other people financially in adoptions. What a wonderful organization. So thank you for posting and getting the message out.
I am so glad you asked about him--please let us know if you are his family!!! If that is what is meant to be, it will happen! But really, the best part for me is your newfound understanding of your hearts--oh, to have our hearts broken for the things that break God's heart! I ask you to look at the other orphans faces--there are other children who will be ageing out soon, from orphanages in many places. Maybe Sebastian was meant for your son, and maybe he was meant for being the starting point to another child!
ReplyDeleteI'm just so thrilled to hear that there is one more person in the world who cares about these kids, who saw and cried, who has a husband who is on the same page, who has resources to offer to help orphans get into families--seriously, this made my day. : )