words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Thursday, February 14, 2013

love note

Happy Valentine's Day, Everyone!

In lieu of blogging, I'm going to share something I just left as a comment on a friend's private blog:

. . . I think today, on a day that is all supposed to be about love and smiling children and chocolate, etc., we have had a morning of disobedience and temper tantrums and time outs and menstruation and it's Lent so no chocolate. . . I think I am hyper aware today of how THIS is love. THIS is my best chance for being the loving mommy I want to be. We aren't guaranteed tomorrow--but God gives us today, NOW, and so this is all I have to work with.  This tired, crampy body. This frustrated spirit. These cheerfully, willfully disobedient children.  I need to be careful to suck the marrow out of today--and every day, for as many as I get. Today is a good reminder, that if I do nothing else today but love my family well, it was enough. : )

I realize that might be a garbled sentiment, but it will have to do.  I'm too close to tears today to write more/better.  Too tired, too hormonal, too sad about some things outside my home, trying not to be down about things in my home--I am a broken, weary, grim creature.  Wait--this is sounding so much more dire than what you would see if you peeked into my windows.  But it's what's under the surface, what I'm willing myself to keep in there, so this day has the possiblity of redemption.  So today, for those of you NOT having a day of bluebirds and roses--

I love you!


God's all-encompassing, never-ending, perfect
is all we need!



  1. I love you too! I'm so sorry you're having a rough day. If I was there I would come over, have some tea with you, and we could commiserate together.

  2. Sorry I missed your call the other day. While you had a moment of quiet solitude, I was knee-deep in my own set of parenting challenges. Love and miss you!

  3. Jessica, someday. Someday. ; )

    Mina--ugh! Well, that's called being the Mommy. In other words, whatever you did for your kids that moment/day, you ROCK. We will talk one of these days! As long as you know I love you too and think about you!
