words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Saturday, December 29, 2012

First Christmas, second

credit: George Takei on facebook

Good morning, and Merry Second Christmas to you all!

Or, to be more accurate, Merry First Christmas, Second!

I don't think I have ever told you all the full story of our family First Christmas tradition.  I started to write it out this morning, but am out of time.  The kids have been finishing up some last-minute Christmas poems and hand-made gifts in the bedroom, but it sounds like they will be coming out any minute.  They will come and jump on the bed where DH is still trying to get a few last winks--since he and I managed to stay up till two a.m two nights in a row and are completely exhausted.  The first late night was driving back from spending Christmas with DH's family--we stayed late to have as much time for the cousins to play together as possible, so arrived home around midnight, and by the time we had the fire going and things settled for the night it was the wee hours of the morning.  Last night it was not starting to stuff stockings and finish wrapping gifts until we were sure the kids were all asleep, which was around 11:30!  So, once again, we finished our tasks in the wee hours. 

Yes, we do stockings this morning!  And gifts from us to our kids, and we open the presents that have come from family afar.  I love our First Christmas tradition--and here come the kids, so more later!

Have a great Saturday, however YOU spend it! : )


  1. We do our stockings (actually bejeweled shoes) on December 6th and read the story of the historical Santa. Then we St. Nicholas someone else. Yep, I am guilty of verbing the noun St. Nicholas. It means to give a gift without being found out to someone with a great need. The kids pick a charity. We have done our local Angel Tree, we have sent goats and chickens through World Vision or Heifer International. This year we gave to Tiggy's House because we wanted to help my blog friend reach her goal before the second anniversary of her son's death.

    Then, although I join my church and family in celebrating Christmas on the 25th as Christ's birth, my heart celebrates the the day of visitation of the magi... because they were the first Gentiles who diligently sought Christ.

    Finally, on January 6th, we remember Christ's baptism and the beginning of his ministry. Our annual reading of the 4 Gospels begins... and if mama stays on task, we are done in time for the Passion of Christ, the Easter story.

    Hope you are all having a blessed holiday!

  2. Julie, thank you so much for visiting and sharing how you spread your Christmas celebration over the whole season! I enjoyed reading what you do--I am discovering as an adult so much more meaning to the whole Christmas story and traditions, and Advent too. It is becoming ever more precious to me. I love that you celebrate in your heart a part of the story that is significant to you--that's whats going on in my heart too!
