words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, February 8, 2012

and now, laughing

From the new little humor blog Homeshool Ryan Gosling

No, really.  If you homeschool, go look. A couple of those almost made me spit out my tea.

I am not really in the whole pop culture realm, so did not realize there was any meme going around--but it does not take a PhD to figure out it's all about the fantasy of a smokin' hot husband encouraging our worst best homeschool urges. 

Oh, wait.  Some of us don't have to fanticize.*

*giggle, snort, snort, giggle-giggle, snort, wiping eyes, sigh.


  1. lol

    I hadn't seen this meme. I saw the homebirth Ryan Gosling meme and was dying laughing at some of the entries. I'll have to check this one out when I need a good laugh.

  2. I went to find the homebirth one after your comment--I agree! TOO funny!
