words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, June 23, 2010

will wonders never cease: gettin' political for a minute

I am not very much of a political person. This is mainly because I believe the government in America is made up of mostly good people who get strangely sidetracked from what should be their goals as our leaders, and for the most part are not completely to be trusted. Whether Republican or Democrat or Libertarian or whatever--I do not think there is no person in government who is immune from being warped by politics and pressure from everyone who wants them to do something or be something for whatever adgenda.

Got that?

(And now you know the other reason why I will generally not write about politics in this blog--because it requires lucid, carefully-reasoned and well-supported writing, with which I cannot usually be bothered. Especially for politicians.)

So I often have strong opinions about Presidential candidates, until they invariably do something that saddens or embarasses me, usually because they are trying to pander to everyone and forget they are running for President of the United States and not Most Liked of the Class of 2008. But the state of our nation's memory and attention span, unfortunately, mean we are usually voting as if for the latter, and the candidates know it. Requiring presidential candidates to pander to the Saturday Night Live crowd is an offense to their station. Whatever happened to dignity, people?

ANYWAY I am going to veer into unfamiliar territory, just because I stumbled upon the most seemingly incongruous political blog, written by some gay Chicagoans who are actively campaigning for Sarah Palin in 2012. Seriously. And what they write is biased and yet fair, provocative and yet heartfelt. They are staunchly pro-American and sometimes sound like rednecks, but celebrate the good ol' US of A in their own uniquely American way:

If you chose to peruse their writing, there is a lot of thought-worthy stuff there. I personally just got sucked into it (during the kids' quiet time this afternoon) because of my immediate fascination with young, gay, anti-Obama, pro-Hilary, pro-Bush, pro-Cheney blog writers. As you can imagine, the writing is refreshingly un-PC and often quite NSFW (Mom, that means Not always Safe For being read by Women like your mother ; )

But I have a feeling I will be bookmarking this site. I am curious what they will be saying as we get closer to the next election. And I have to admit, it was intriquing to hear the same things my uber Christian Conservative family members rant about coming from the mouths of young, politically active and seemingly astute gay men. Their explanations of liberal media conspiracies are believable. And their writing is honest and from the heart:

The other thing on our minds today is the reaction, and in some cases furor, that’s erupted since we offered our sincere thanks to George and Laura Bush for their basic human decency this last week. While we’ve gotten thousands of comments here on this site and emails from people out there who support our thanks to the former President, we’ve gotten some of the vilest and most chilling hate mail we’ve ever received over this post.

During the 2008 primaries, Dr. Utopia’s supporters threw rocks through one of our windows that had Hillary for President posters in them. The rocks, of course, had “Obama ’08″ stickers on them. When we wore our Hillary buttons out, which was every day from February 2007 through June 7, 2008, Dr. Utopia’s “Hope and Change Gang” spat at us, called us RAAACISTS for not supporting him, pushed us, and tried to rip the buttons off our coats.

In the General Election, when we became DeMcCrats for McCain, the Left ratcheted up the hatred for us. Now, Dr. Utopia’s supporters started throwing punches. In Boystown, we almost got punched in the face in line waiting to get into Sidetracks a few times because Dr. Utopia’s followers didn’t like that we had on McCain tee shirts. Just before the election last year, we actually got punched in the face and attacked when we were crossing the street, minding our own business, and overheard a group of Dr. Utopia supporters making fun of Sarah Palin, calling her baby Trig “a retarded troll”, and using every vile, misogynistic pejorative they love to toss casually out at women against Palin (a woman, in truth, they knew nothing about…except that the Utopia campaign wanted her destroyed). They engaged us and said, “Yah, don’t you just hate her…don’t you just think that bitch should be raped and her baby should be dumped in the river” and more vile things than we can recount. We stood up for Palin, asked them how talk like this fits into the whole Hope and Change agenda, and received a punch to the face for it.

We’ve continued to take lumps from the Left ever since. Our friends repeatedly tell us to stop speaking out against Dr. Utopia because we live in Chicago and so many of his thugs are here. They tell us to stop going after ACORN, to stop telling people the SEIU should be disbanded, to stop exposing the fraud and corruption in this City, to stop speaking out about Utopia-sponsored waste like the 2016 Olympics bid, etc. By doing all of this, we have lost a lot of work, especially freelance jobs for the City. Many people who used to employ us for various projects will no longer return our calls, because they are Obots and don’t want to do business with people who aren’t drinking the Kool-Aid. This has caused great changes to our lifestyle and forced us to live and work on much reduced budgets, with far fewer friends in Chicago than we had in 2007 before any of the primaries and the general election.

So. Be. It.

The hatred spewed at us for merely thanking George W. Bush and his wife Laura for being good Americans proves to us how mentally ill the Leftists really are. We’re half-tempted to start publishing the emails we’re getting that tell us that people hope we get AIDS for supporting anyone but Dr. Utopia. AIDS. They hope we get AIDS.

When you want to push a gay man’s buttons, there are three levels of hate you can toss at him to unhinge the guy (trust us on this):

(1) Tell him he’s losing his hair (especially if he’s not)

(2) Tell him he’s fat (especially if he’s not)

(3) Tell him he looks sick, or that you hope he’s got AIDS (which will, in many cases, cause the guy to be sick to his stomach with worry for the next six months)

No matter how toughened you are, especially after enduring relentless hate mail, rocks through windows, and punches to the face for the last two years from these lunatics, on some level the fresh “Two Minute Hate” against us does have an impact. It’s sure as hell not going to make us suddenly support our current fey, apologetic, socialist president. It’s certainly not going to bring us over to the Left. If anything, this garbage just forces us further away from the Democrat Party, which is unrecognizable to us at this point, and is truly a hate-fueled-socialism-engine completely taken over by the radical Left.

You said something nice about a former President…so we hope you get AIDS, faggots.

Do you see what they do here? They have an automatic attack word prepped for whomever they want to go after. If it’s women, they’ll call them c**** or bitches or whores. If it’s gay men who aren’t falling in line, the words faggot and sissy are lobbed readily, followed by hopes they’ll get AIDS and die. If it’s someone white who is not blindly following White House directives, well that person is a RAAACIST.

It is the same damn thing every time with the Left.

And you know what? We’ve gotten hate mail from Republicans in the past. Do you know what’s interesting? Republicans, and people in the religious Right, have never, NOT ONCE, told us they wished we’d get AIDS. NOT ONCE. They’ve disagreed with us. They’ve told us we are bad people for not agreeing with them. They’ve intelligently taken apart whatever we’ve said, point by point, line by line, to correct us as they saw fit. But they’ve never wished death on us. They’ve never even name-called us. They may have quoted Scripture and said how much they “disagreed with our lifestyles”, but they didn’t even tell us we were going to Hell, Fred Phelps-styled. At worst, the really religious people — the ones the LGBTQ community paints as such terrible hate mongers out to get all of us in Boystown — just say things like “We hope you repent before you are Judged by the Creator” and things like that.

It is night and day when compared to what the Left dishes out.

And it is startling to see that.

We’re still processing it, as we’re getting a huge uptick in emails and comments here, but it’s worth a full essay of its own in the days ahead. We’re honestly floored by this, and see a silver lining in it that we now have a collection of emperical evidence of what the Left can dish up when they’re on SOMEONE’S marching orders to come after you (with many IP addresses shared amongst multiple posting IDs and email accounts…IPs that originate in Chicago…where, coincidentally we’re sure, the DNC is now headquartered).

Interesting stuff.

We’re not going to change how we think or what we say for anyone.

If we see good in something George Bush or Dick Cheney does, we’re going to thank them for it. If we’d see something good in what Dr. Utopia and his wife do, we’ll thank them for that too. So far, this has not happened. If it does, they will be thanked. We’re sure that will blow minds too, but we’re centrists around here…which means we’re not culture warriors under anyone’s flag but our own, who just want to see America go forwards to strength and prosperity, not be dragged down into socialist malaise with a radical at the helm who still, to this day, refuses to put his damn hand over his heart during the national anthem.


By the way, I'm Independent.


  1. I will be book marking that blog! Thanks for sharing.

  2. Oooooo, I can't wait to get home from work and immerse myself in that NSFW site! And send it to all my friends! And make my momma MAAAAAD!

  3. Fascinating! Sorry to comment late; I don't get on the computer for a week and look what I miss! I will definetly check this out. Thanks!

    PS- I'm Independent too. Coincidence?!
