words i am pondering today

Do your little bit of good where you are; it is those little bits of good put together that overwhelm the world.--Desmond Tutu

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Dedicated to Stacy

Stacy, over at Moderate Means, is at it again, spreading more blogger love around. Her words are so kind, and affirming too--because I would love to feel like God could be using me to encourage women here in the blogsphere. It is something I naturally desire to do in real life--build up women in spirit, and be a practical help when there is opportunity. It is why I am part of the Soul Kitchen core team, which is the ministry for women at Vintage Faith. It is why I plan and host Old School Mondays for homeschool moms and their kids. And I think it is one reason why I blog. And comment on blogs!

So, thank you, Stacy, for making me feel for a moment like I am an instrument of Love.

I don't have a very big blogroll, so the bloggers I have on my sidebar are mostly either a) people who I have given an award to in the past, or b) people who are so professional in their blogging and have so many followers they would probably just sniff their nose in distain at my "nomination" (so I imagine), or c) people who don't even know I read their blogs, and who would probably not have the time or inclination to respond to such an award, because their lives are almost overwhelmingly full of much more important things.

But I am going to risk it anyway, offering some blogger love out to a few of the people in the last category, and giving a shout-out to some of the blogs on my sidebar under the heading "Blogs That Open My Eyes and Make My Day Look Much Easier":

Columbian Brewed

Not Just An Ordinary Life

Long Line of Leberts

All these blogs are written by people who daily live out their complete willingness to forgo the normal, comfortable, complacent, spiritually-flabby American life--instead asking God to use them as instruments of healing and grace in the lives of precious children. These people are adopting children who are "problematic" in the eyes of the world, who are disabled, or who have experienced trauma. I am so, so thankful that these people--these parents--exist, and are sharing their experiences through blogging. Their stories are so full of beauty and love and hope and forgiveness, and reading them I am continually challenged to rethink my own heart, my own values, my own attitudes. They encourage me to parent more purposefully, and make me appreciate my own children more. They give me tools for parenting, and also Truth for re-shaping my heart around what truly matters.

And then, a blog that could fall into the above category, except that the Mom blogger just seems so genuinely joyful and the family is so beautiful, that I am happy just looking at the pictures:

Building the Blocks.

I have always wanted to adopt from Haiti, and don't know that it will ever happen, esp. given our current home size and the fact that DH does not (yet? ; ) have the same dream--and since in the past it seemed like God firmly shut that door. But I have always wanted a family made up of all different hues, and admit I wish my family looked like this one.

So, Stacy, these are the blogs I am going to try to pass the award on to--in honor of your venturing into that world, hoping to foster children, sharing your family, your home, your love with children who need it all. I am thankful for you and will pray that God blesses you and your family mightily through fostering!


  1. WOW. I am completely humbled at your sweet words. You have no idea what a blessing this was to me today. I will say though that anything good you see in our family is ALL because of God.
    Thank you for taking the time to make my day. Your family is absolutely beautiful- you are blessed indeed. Love, Amy

  2. So glad you were encouraged, Amy! Thank you for all the beauty your family is adding to the world. : )

  3. I had this reply all typed up and Blogger wouldn't post it!! On a post dedicated to me!! The outrage...

    Anyhow, it is so incredibly cool to come home and reply to a post dedicated to ME!!! I feel all warm and fuzzy now :)

