How's that for a blog post title that immediately piques your interest? ; )
I've been thinking about this blog a lot lately. This one and Minnie Zephie's Steampunk Treasure Trunk--that blog clearly not currently living up to it's awesome name. I've mentioned already several times why I don't blog much these days--so skip this part, it's just for my own thought process:
--my writing and thinking time ends up going towards the high school lit classes I develop and teach
--the things in my head for the past several years are too big or too private to write about here. I even started a hand-written journal last year to process some of it--and that is woefully neglected too. ; )
--blogging used to invigorate me, but now when I think about it I just feel tired & overwhelmed. It feels like one more area of my life that I'm "failing" in.
--facebook has taken the place of the funny quips and things I would sometimes post here.
--since I think only my mom and my dear Susan ever read it anymore (hi Mom! hi Susan!) it doesn't seem worth the effort. A phone call is better for catching up and actually building relationship than my blog navel-gazing.
--and on that last note--why bother? why would I think anyone is interested in my "deep thoughts"?
OK. Time for speaking some Truth:
--it's ok that I am not taking the time to blog. It may just be that the season has passed. That's not only ok, but good. The space in my life for blogging is now being used by other, way better things.
--I do still have thoughts that are better processed in writing, so I will probably always want to write in some fashion. But writing is a tool for me, but an end goal. I need to remember that, so I am ok with the process being what it is, however it is, and not worrying about what it looks like.
--I'm not failing at blogging. I'm just putting blogging in an appropriate ranking in my life's priorities. So I'll call that a success. ; )
--I do know my loved ones enjoy seeing pics of the kids, and maybe there are some that I would not share with the entire family on facebook. This could be a good place to supplement those phone calls!
--very few people are interested in my "deep thoughts." That's ok, and back to the point above--need to remind myself that that's not the point. It is the processing of ideas that is the point.
--And once upon a time I felt like I was sharing life with some of you, long-distance. Facebook is not currently doing that for me; it is great to know what people are up to, if their kids are sick, what dramatic weather is happening in their area, who's having a birthday and what kind of cake they had. etc. But it's not the same as hearing the thoughts and feelings of other people, and getting invited into their worlds, that I used to get from being in ongoing relationships with other bloggers. So maybe when I share here anyone still reading won't think I'm full of myself, but will see it as a longing for sharing live with you.
And speaking of that last, anyone who is getting these posts to your inbox but doesn't want to--unsubscribe! You have my full permission!
So, all that boring stuff said: new blog header!
It's not actually my choice. Apparently that adorable bird and notepaper image was from the web and not a photo; photobucket, which was hosting the image, decided I had to start paying for the privilege. Um, no. I'm just sad that I lost that sweet image--it spoke to my heart! And looked so good with this backdrop.
I tried to hunt it down with a few google image searches, but to no avail. Instead, bizarrely I found the image I am using now. Instantly riveting. I have a fondness for urban decay photography--it is so fascinating to look at such images and image the lives of the buildings before they fell into ruin, and the lives they live now. I love visual texture, and such buildings always have such awesome contrasts of worn paint, crumbling stone, nature encroaching, and eerie lighting through long-broken windows.
My brain wants to live there.
And, practically speaking, I knew the color palette of that image would be great with my own blog's colors--if the subject a bit of ironic melancholy in contrast to the cheerful print.
Of course with that new image I had to let go of the tagline: "facing each day with humor, humility, and hopefully a whole lotta love."
I tried instead "welcome to my world." But I can't figure out how to make the font fit the image, so decided just to let the image stand on it's own.
Seriously, though, the image fits my mental space. I only wish I could have fit the whole thing in:
If you double-click on it you will hopefully be able to see the whole thing in its glory. I not only love the balance of the composition in the full image, but I also love the juxtaposition of the light and peaceful left side of the image and the dark and brooding right. That's my mind all, right. ; )
We won't make any metaphors about the doorway inviting the viewer into a great big ol' black nothingness.
Here's to a few minutes of fixing something broken (even if it's just my blog header).
I just might update the images of the kids next. . . : )
Happy Monday, wherever you are and whatever you are doing!
1 month ago
Glad to hear from you. Don't feel like a failure. Things change with time and as we change. I did really enjoy talking to you when you called. I miss you so very much. We are in IL -- just crossed the river and stopped for the night. Stopped in Murray and saw Sarah. Tomorrow we will pick up Aunt Ruthie and drive to Chester. Hugs and kisses to all your tribe.