The last Saturday story I want to share in this Week of Blessings happened Saturday, Sept. 10th. I had signed up to attend a simulcast of a Beth Moore special event. For those of you who don't know, Beth Moore is a Christian Bible study author and public speaker, usually writing and speaking to women (although her stuff is so deep and intensive and worthwhile that there are always some brave men who attend her studies and speaking). Beth is very Southern, and has historically had big blond hairdos and lots of self-depreciating and completely hilarious stories to illustrate her points. I enjoy her immensely, and think she is one of the best Christian study writers/speakers out there. This special speaking/worship event was held at a very large arena outside of Huston, TX, and was streamed live over the internet to--I think she said--17 different countries, a few military bases, and at least one women's correctional facility. There were about 180,000 people viewing the simulcast from host sites outside of TX--as far away as New Zealand! (Since this was an all-day event for us here in CA, I imagine the Kiwi participants made it an all-night Beth Moore party!) It was pretty amazing to think that people all over the world--mostly women--were gathering via the magic of the internet to pray and sing and learn together.
Our host site was a local church, and the women gathering there for the day came from a variety of area churches--I love it when God-believing people come together like that. The church took really good care of us, and provided breakfast before the simulcast started, lunch during the first break, and even chocolate dipped strawberries for refreshment during the afternoon break. The tickets for the event only cost $25 each, so it is pretty clear the church was not making any money off this event--they were just ministering to the women gathered there. I love that too.
When I signed up to go, I did not know who else would be attending. By a few days before, I learned my dear Becky would be there, so we carpooled, and when we arrived we saw other friends, including the women from the homeschool mentoring day we had a few weeks prior! So once again I spent an entire day with truly awesome women, laughing and learning and soaking in all kinds of truth.
Beth Moore said during the simulcast that she had been praying that each woman attending would receive "a word"--something that she needed to hear, that God wanted to tell her. God has always been so faithful in speaking to me--through friends, through the Bible, through the quiet voice, through all kinds of arenas, even movies and newspaper articles! I knew He had me there for a reason, so it was fun to say, "Ok, God, I trust you have something for me today--I can't wait." Throughout the day, as Beth talked about all kinds of things, I tried to listen, to hear whatever idea God wanted me to walk away with. At the last break of the day I took a walk alone to stretch my legs and think. I was having vague feelings, knew I was on the brink of getting what He wanted me to get, but I could not quite put my finger on how all the ideas in my head connected into something I could grasp on to. It was not until the end, when Becky and I pulled out of the driveway to go home, and she asked me what I had gotten out of the day, that it was like a little light went on, and I started to realize what God was saying to me--and we talked all the way to her house, and then sat in her driveway for over an hour talking and connecting the pieces.
It was about my Mother-in-Law. And how I have been taking a little emotional break since we last saw them, and how that was ok, but now it is time to step back into relationship--because she is worthy of love, and God wants me to love her. Not only to be receptive, and friendly, but to reach out and be vulnerable. It is where He wants me, and I am actually a little excited about it! I mean, there will undoubtedly be PLENTY of moments that are REALLY painful and sad in the near future, but instead of feeling fearful and wanting to avoid them, I am feeling confident and ready to walk through them with MIL, in love.
Just so you know, I am not pretending to be a saint by any means. I am still the same flawed person, and I know I will mess things up and not love well sometimes and have plenty of oh crap! cold-chill, dear-in-the-headlights moments--but hopefully I'm no longer going to be living in fearful anticipation of them, and being afraid of being imperfect, and that feels really good.
And just so you know, Becky shared some specific insights in the car that day that immediately sent that thrill of recognition through me--it was truth that I needed to hear, and apply. Would you believe just this past Saturday I stopped at my friend Terry's house (delivering tomatoes! so fun!) and when we chatted for a bit, the conversation came around to this same topic, and Terry shared one of the exact same insights that Becky had said! Not a coincidence. God knew I needed to hear it one more time, to get it rooted that much more deeply in my heart and mind.
God, speaking to me. Friends, encouraging and challenging me as His beautiful instruments. A new vision for the future, that will hopefully bring more peace and love to our extended family. And chocolate dipped strawberries.
I'm telling you all, this has been the best month of Saturdays.
1 month ago