Hey anyone who sees this!
This is really a non-post. Just wanting to keep this space mine until I figure out what I want to do with it. (Don't want Blogger to think it has been entirely abandoned)
I got an email from someone whose blog I used to follow, someone whom I had some nice real-person interactions with, even if just long-distance. She was fundraising for something, and the email made me realize how much of her life had changed since I had last read anything in her blog. So I came back here--wow, it has been a long time since I visited my own blog even!--and realized that she hadn't posted any updates in a year as well. And most of the blogs I used to follow are no longer updated.
So I guess that means that blogs are seasonal things, and right now most of us are in a season where we don't have time, or don't want to share, or have other outlets for what we do want to share. And that's ok. Except I found myself going back to blogs of families and wanting to hear how they are. Wanting to see more photos. Wanting to hear how the story has continued for them. The families I were following were interesting people who I actually cared about and would pray for. They don't owe me anything. But I wish they would post an update. : )
Which I guess means that I should do the same! But I don't think this blog has any followers anyway--at least, besides friends and family members who already know what I'm up to. ; ) But if you are an occasional reader and want a life update let me know and I'll willingly oblige.
But I do hope anyone who reads this is content with life, and learning and growing in positive ways, and is finding ways to be fulfilled, and hearing God (or at least listening!), and has something to look forward to this next year.
2 months ago